How do you line up?
How do you show you need a pencil?
What is a way you can earn outdoor time?
- Everyone finishing their homework
- Getting through homework time without noise reminders
- If you win a bet with Ms. Hardin
What time do you get out of school on Wednesdays?
In 10 seconds you need to do these two things
Pencils down and sitting in star
What gives Ms. Hardin the most anxiety?
When you are all standing up and walking around at once.
What is something you can do during your free time if group 1 or 2 is inside?
Play on the play structure
How long is collegiate work time?
45 minutes-1 hour
What does HALLs stand for?
A: All Eyes Forward
L: Lips Zipped
L: Legs Walking Safely
By focusing on homework
Is the class outdoor game ran by Ms. Hardin optional?
What time do we go to snack?
Having a great day with little to no behavioral issues as a class.
What game did we play with Ms. Hernandez's class last week?
Sharks and Minows
What time do we go to centers?
How long is snack
15 minutes
How do you get Ms. Hardin's attention?
Raising your hand or doing a silent signal
What game is Ms. Hardin tired of playing
Night at the Museum
What time must you be picked up by a parent or guardian?