What do the turn in bin labels mean?
1. Yes, I get it!
2. I need more practice.
3. Please reteach me.
What do we do if we have a question?
Raise our hand, no blurting out!
What do we do at the end of the day with dojo points?
At the end of the day we will add up the dojo points and add them to our class total
What do we have in the classroom that you have to apply for?
classroom jobs
If Miss Sorensen were to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Where do you put your water bottles when you come into class?
hydration station
Do we say mean things to one another?
How do you earn dojo points?
When caught doing the right thing or being an excellent student you will be rewarded with a dojo point
What are the 3 voice levels?
No voice, whisper voice, and table voice
What pet does Miss Sorensen have?
Where do you return a book that you borrow from the classroom library?
right where you found it
kind words only
What do you have to get to earn star student of the week?
Most dojo points in the class that week
What do you do if you need help with someone, but there are a lot of people that have questions?
Grab a clip from the waiting room.
How do we line up in line?
quickly, quietly, in a straight line, numbers are called or quiet groups
Do we put hands on each other, such as shoving?
no, that is never okay
What do you get if you are star student of the week?
treasure chest pick, flexible seating, scented markers
Where are the supplies located in our classroom?
front of the room in drawers
What is Miss Sorensen's favorite color?
What are three classroom promises?
answers may vary
Do we talk when someone else is talking?
What do you earn if your class, as a whole, reaches a certain amount of dojo points?
the class gets to pick the reward, so whatever the class picks
How should we treat the things in our classroom?
like they are our own
How many siblings does Miss Sorensen have?