What do you do when you have something to say/share?
Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on.
How can you be respectful of others opinions?
Acknowledge their opinion, do not belittle, and listen.
What do you do when you arrive to class in the morning?
Put belongings away, pick your breakfast (if you didn't pack lunch), do morning PTs.
Why is it important to raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on?
So you can focus on what you have to say, keeps order in the classroom and gives all staff and students a calm environment.
Why is it important to respect each others opinions?
This way when you have an opinion others are more likely to respect you.
How do you ask for help in class?
Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on. Ask in a calm tone and wait for staff response.
How do you respect other students property?
By not touching them. Ask to use before taking anything.
What do you need to do when returning to class after gym?
Have a seat, wait to be called on to wash hands, wait to be called on to get lunch, return to your seat when all steps are complete.
Why is it important to treat people the way you want to be treated?
This way you can build positive relationships.
Why is it important to keep your hands and feet to yourself?
This way you and others will be safe.
What do you do if you need to get up from your seat?
Raise your hand, ask permission, wait for a response. Respond appropriately according to teacher or staffs instructions.
How can students respect one another?
By listening, not interrupting, using appropriate language, and respecting boundaries.
What do you need to have done at the end of the day before dismissal?
Skills card added, zones sheet complete, and handed in.
Why is it important to stay in your seat?
This way you will be safe and the room will be calm?
Why is it important to respect school and classroom rules?
This way you display dependability.