What is my favorite color?
True or False: I should enter the room loudly.
Fasle. You should enter SILENTLY
True or False: I can use my cell phone in school.
False. Phones are off from 8:55-3:30
I should ___________ to get Miss Kramer's attention.
Raise my hand
Can I have a water bottle at school?
Yes, but only water allowed.
How long have I been a teacher?
Five months (first-year)
How should I greet Miss Kramer?
Politely and kindly
What is the first thing I do once I sit down at the beginning of class?
Bell Work
The best time to ask to go to the restroom is...
When Miss Kramer is not teaching or in the first/last 10 minutes of class
How many tardies does it take to get a detention? Referral?
3: Detention
4+: Referral
Where did I grow up?
Where do I line up?
Along the wall.
If I make a mess, who's responsibility is it to clean it up?
Yours (Student)
True or False: I can spray any scented spray in Miss Kramer's class or school.
True or False: I can wear pajamas to school.
False. You may be asked to change into appropriate clothing.
How many siblings do I have?
How do I stand in line?
Silently and facing the person's head in front of me.
I should respect 1. ___________ 2. ____________ and 3. ___________
1. Teacher
2. Peers
3. Classroom
"Oh no! I spilt my water." What do you do?
Inform Miss Kramer and clean it up yourself.
__________ is never allowed at school.
Varies. (Ex: bullying, fights, etc.)
What month is my birthday in?
If Miss Kramer lets me come into the room before the bell, should I A) Walk around and talk or B) Retrieve my materials and sit silently.
How many people are allowed up from their seat at a time?
True or False: I can go to my backpack any time during class.
Where are backpacks placed?
False. Under the first table or beside the table pushed to the wall.
Chewing gum in school can result in an automatic __________.
detention; can also result in referral