In the Morning
Showing Respect
To Show Self Control
Throughout the Day
When you first come in, unstack your chair, do lunch count and sit out in the hallway.
What are the first things we do when we enter the classroom?
What we should do when we have a question or comment to tell Miss Theall.
What is "raise our hand"?
Making good choices all by ourselves.
What is "self control"?
What you should do all day to not have to practice, keep all your boxes and earn 5 monkey bucks.
What is "showing self control and respect all day"?
Doing the right thing, all the time, even when no one is watching.
What is Integrity?
This is who's job it is to count how many students are here and how many students' names are under "tray" or "brought" and write it down on the yellow slip of paper.
What is the role of the lunch count person?
What we should do when Miss Theall gives us a task to complete.
What is "follow the directions"?
Thinking about what a teacher might tell us to do or not to do and doing it before they ask us to.
What is "reading the teacher's mind"?
This is what happens when you don't push in a chair, shout out, don't get in line in time, or are disrespectful.
What is "you get a box"?
This is the order in which we line up once a week.
What is "Wacky Wednesday"?
This is what happens when you forget to unstack your chair or do lunch count.
What is "you get a box"?
When a male or female adult asks you a question or gives you something to do.
What is "say ma'am and sir"?
What we should do in class and in the hallway to show that we have control over our words and bodies.
What is "keeping our hands, feet and comments to ourselves"?
This is how many boxes you can get before you have to practice.
What is 5?
This is what happens when you have 10 boxes.
What is you have to practice both recesses, all recess?
In the morning, we always sing this song. Fill in the lyrics: "Good morning, good morning ________________, good morning, good morning to you!"
What is "it's great to stay up late"?
How we show that we are listening.
What is "pay attention"?
Taking turns and being patient.
What is "waiting for what we want"?
This is how many boxes you have to keep to get 3 monkey bucks at the end of the day.
What is 6 or 7?
Raising your hand before you talk and not messing with anything in, on, or around your desk.
What are Miss Theall's expectations?
This is when we need to be in our seats ready for lessons and learning.
What is after the pledge and calendar and lunch count?
Keeping quiet if others need it.
What is "being considerate of how our classmates work"?
Being able to handle it when we don't always get our way.
What is "accepting no"?
This is how you earn back a box.
What is pay a monkey buck?
This is how many timer rings Miss Theall counts before you get a box.
What is 20?