Signs and Signals
More Procedures
Voice Level

How do I show my teacher that I need to use the bathroom? 

Silent two fingers 


What is the procedure for going to the bathroom?

Get permission.

Sign out with time

Set a clock and put it on my desk

When I'm finished, return the clock to the counter.


If I'm feeling like I'm in the yellow or red zone where can I go for help? 

Take a silent walk over to the recovery space


If you finish your work early what should you always do unless your teacher tells you something different? 

Take out an independent reading book


What should the volume be like during independent computer work?

Level 0- silent 


How do I show my teacher that I want to get a drink? 

Silent three finger signal 


How should we return from lunch?



What should you do at the recovery space? 

1. Set the timer

2. Use a tool to help return to the green zone 

3. Come back when time is up 


Where does homework go and when should you turn it in? 

In the homework bin as soon as you put your backpack away in the morning


What should volume be like during independent work time?

Level 0 - silent or 

Level 1- a whisper voice with people around you


What are the two ways I can show my teacher I know an answer? 

1.  raise your hand 

2. show the sign language "a"


What do you do when you come back from lunch? 

Sit silently at your desk

You can read silently

Wait for directions to go to Book Clubs.


If you are making noise at the recovery space and distracting others what might happen? 

Sent back to your desk or office support. 


Explain the 4 steps of our morning routine 

1. Take your backpack to your desk.

2. Unpack at your desk.

3. Turn in homework/papers, hang up coat and backpack

4. Fill out your Homework Journal


When working with a teacher in a small group what should the voice level be?

Level 2 - soft voice for small groups, table talk


What will happen if I shout out without raising my hand? 

Clip down :(


What can I do during Independent Reading time? 

Read silently or write about reading 


What should your body look like during rug time?

-Criss- cross

-hands to yourself

-voices off 


What will happen if you are distracting others and not following directions in the classroom? 

First clip down.

If behavior continues, fill out a refocus form.

If behavior continues, teacher will call for office support. 


What should the voice level be when returning from lunch? 

Level 0 - silent 


What should I do to show my teacher that I need to take a moment?

Use your "Take a moment card."

If you need an extra card let your teacher know!


When do we use a 4S line?

Every time (unless a teacher gives other directions)


If you start to feel like you're moving toward the blue, yellow, or red zone during rug time what can you do? 

1. Go back to your desk and take a moment

2. Visit the recovery space silently 


What happens if you clip up to role model? What if you clip off the chart? 

1 PAW award for role models, 2 PAW awards for people who clip off! 


What should the voice level be during indoor recess? 

Level 1 - whisper

Level 2 - quiet table talk