What is Ms. McKindles cat's name?
Where do you find the pencils?
Black cabinet
Miss McKindles is teaching the class, you want to grab a mint from her desk drawer. Should you do it, yes or no?
No!!! only with permission
When should you get breakfast?
During crew right away
Who's birthday is it in the LTL program today?
Where do you find paper and markers?
On the shelves
It is break time and you need to go to the bathroom, should you leave the room?
No!! You still need to let the teacher know even though its the right time
What can you politely say to a friend if they are being loud or blurting?
Hey can you please stop talking so loud, or hey you are blurting a lot can you please stop.
What is the principal's name?
Dr. Kampfe
Where do you find whiteboards and clipboards?
In the white cart
Miss McKindles is teaching. Should you grab markers and paper?
No- not during teaching time
When you need to turn things in that's on paper where should it go?
On the shelf that says turn in
What is Ms. Washburns husbands name?
Where do you find passes?
In the envelopes by the front door?
It is choice time and you want to use something in the cabinets. What do you do?
Ask for permission then open the cabinets to find what you need
How many warnings do you get before your phone is taken?
What is Ms. McKindles favorite food?
where do you find extra supplies or other activities for choice time?
In the big cabinets
You are feeling very frustrated and think you might yell at or hurt someone. Is it okay for you to grab a pass and leave the room quickly?
Yes as long as you are back after 5 minutes, if you have not calmed down inform the teachers or paras for more time or sensory room
On canvas-- today's learning button