Signs and Signals
Classroom Prizes!
Being responsible
Center time

How do I show my teacher that I need to use the bathroom? 

Silent two fingers 


How do I get a chance to pick from the prize box on Friday?

7 PAW awards or 5 days of morning work 


If I'm feeling like I'm in the yellow or red zone where can I go for help? 

Take a silent walk over to the recovery space


If you finish your work early what should you always do unless your teacher tells you something different? 

Take out an independent reading book


What should the volume be like during technology center time? 

Level 0- silent 


How do I show my teacher that I want to get a drink? 

Silent three finger signal 


What happens when we win connect 4?

5 extra minutes of recess every time we win!! Try and beat Ms Hester :) 


What are the 3 rules at the recovery space? 

1. Walk over silently

2. Use the tools silently 

3. Come back when time is up 


Where does homework go and when should you turn it in? 

In the homework bin as soon as you put your backpack away in the morning


What should volume be like during independent center time? 

Level 1- a whisper voice with people around you


What should I do if my teacher tells me that now is not a good time to get a drink? 

Wait patiently until my teacher tells me that it is a good time to get a drink. 


How many seconds does our transition need to be in order to get a connect 4 piece? 

1 minute or less


If you are making noise at the recovery space and distracting others what might happen? 

Sent back to your desk or office support. 

Explain the 4 steps of our morning routine 

1. Sit in your chair and complete your morning work

2. wait to be called to put away materials

3. turn in homework

4. take out your homework agenda


What does one bell ring during centers mean? 

2 minute warning. Start preparing to transition!


What will happen if I shout out without raising my hand? 

Clip down :(


What are the three ways we earn pom-poms? 

1. Compliments from other teachers 

2. Perfect 4S lines 

3. Whole class is following directions! 


What should your body look like during rug time?

-Criss- cross

-sitting up straight and tall

-voices off 


What will happen if you are distracting others and not following directions in the classroom? 

You will clip down. If you continue to act like this then office support will be called. 


What does the second bell ring during centers mean? 

Stand up and push in chairs silently. Wait for your teacher to tell you to transition. 


What should I do to show my teacher that I need to take a moment?

Use your "Take a moment card."

If you need an extra card let your teacher know!


What will we earn when we fill our kindness jar?

One extra night of no homework!! 


If you start to feel like you're moving toward the blue, yellow, or red zone during rug time what can you do? 

1. Go back to your desk and take a moment

2. Visit the recovery space silently 


What happens if you clip up to role model? What if you clip off the chart? 

1 PAW award for role models, 2 PAW awards and a candy for people who clip off! 


If you can stand up and push in your chairs silently in under 15 seconds what will you earn? 

A connect 4 piece. If you can't do it Ms. Hester will get a piece!