Leaving the Room
Solving Problems

How should you enter the room?

Safely and with positive vibes!


Show the nonverbal signal for "bathroom."

Fist with thumb in between two fingers and twist.


How should we line up?

Line order


What should go at the top of all papers?

Your name!


Someone is in your space on the rug or at your table. How do you solve this problem?

Calmly ask them to move. Ask a second time if they don't move. Move your own body away.


What is the 1st thing you should do when you come in the morning? (3 things)

Say good morning, put your red folder in your mailbox, and read the board.


When should you shout out you need water?

NEVER! Use the water symbol. 


What are the 3 expectations for transitions?

Quick, quiet, safe.


Where does finished work and unfinished work go?

Finished: teal bin

Unfinished: grey bin


You just walked in and you don't know what to could you solve this problem?

Check the board, look around and notice what everyone else is doing, ask a friend, ask a teacher.


What should you do when the morning announcements come on?

Stop talking/playing and listen.


When are good times to go to the bathroom or get water?

When the teacher isn't talking/teaching, during independent work time, during snack, lunch, calm down/cool down.


What do we do when we are done using an iPad?

Double tap and log out, walk over and hang your headphones up and then plug in your iPad. 


When you have something to share or want to answer a question, what do you do?

Raise a quiet hand, wait to be called on.


What do you do if you don't have a pencil or your pencil is broken?

Get a new pencil out of the "sharp" bin. Place old pencil in the "dull" bin. OR use your new burger sharpener!


What is the expectation during the Pledge of Allegiance?

Stand up, face the flag, and say the pledge respectfully.


Which would require the nurse:

1. Small cut on your finger.

2. You feel tired or thirsty.

3. Big fall off of the monkey bars.

Big fall!


How do you show teachers you are ready for the next direction?

Sitting in spot, looking at the speaker, voice is off.


How do you know the expected volume for an activity?

Look at the volume lights, notice your table's volume, or listen when the teacher tells you the expected volume.


How are we helpful learning partners in math?

Kind, fair, both doing the work/activity


What steps are involved in dismissal? (5 steps!)

1. Quiet, clean tables are called to put chairs up.

2. Quietly, quickly get things out of locker.

3. Get red folder and empty mailbox.

4. Pack up on your dot spot.

5. Patiently wait to hear your dismissal plan.


Why is it important for grownups to know if you leave the room?

So we know that everyone is safe.


What "mode" do we get into before we enter the hallway? What does it mean?

Shark mode! Standing in a straight line, looking forward, volume zero, walking safely to our destination.


What are the expectations for independent reading, word work and using iPads?

Reading - 4 corners, independent, volume 0

WW - complete activity independently, stay on task

iPads - use correct app, remain at table, stay on task


Something is hard for me so I will:

1. Give up

2. Try again, or ask for help

3. Distract my tablemates

2. Try again! Practice makes progress!