Classroom #1
Classroom #2

How do we enter/exit the classroom?  This is also how we transition during class.

Quickly and Quietly


What is your homework each night?

None! You may practice math facts and reading if you would like.


What does the class earn if no one uses the restroom all day?

2 fuzzies


True or false: I am not allowed not allowed to sit with other students from other classes.



True or False: We can play tag during recess.

true, just in the field


What does it mean when your teacher tells you to be at a voice level 1?

whisper (talking using your air, not your voice)


What do you do if your pencil needs to be sharpened?

Grab your other pencil in your zipper pouch or place the dull pencil in the "dull" bucket and grab a new pencil from the "sharp" bucket.


How many people are allowed to go to the bathroom at one time?

1 boy, 1 girl


True or false: I can grab what I need at any time if I run out of something.



True or false: I can walk around to classrooms to say hi to teachers during recess.

False: You should be staying within the playground area at all times.


What do you do if you need to get a drink of water?

Wait till the teacher is done teaching and quietly walk to get a drink.


What are some ways you can earn fuzzies? (3 ways)

Active listening, participating, CLIMBING with character, going above and beyond in your work, helping someone out, games


When should I use the restroom?

Before school, during breaks, after school, and in other emergency situations


How do we walk to the cafeteria?

Quickly, quietly, on the lines, alphabetical order


What do you do if you have a snack during recess?

Eat your snack at the benches, then you may play when you are done and have thrown away your trash.


What steps do you take as you enter the classroom in the morning?

Enter quickly and quietly, sanitize, and look at the board for directions


What are some consequences if we cannot follow directions? (2 consequences)

verbal warning, conversation outside, take fuzzies, parent phone call, seat switch


True or false: I can use the restroom 20 minutes after coming in from recess. 

False: It needs to be at least 30 minutes.


True or False: I may use a voice level 3 in the cafeteria.

False: We need to use a voice level 0, 1, or 2 in the cafeteria so we can keep each other safe. Mrs. Walker will let you know what level.


How can we CLIMB with character on the playground? 

Include students who might be alone, use manners, follow the directions and rules, tell a teacher if there is an issue


Describe how you know someone is actively listening.

They are listening with their eyes, ears, mouths, and whole body.


What should your voice level be at, unless told otherwise?

Voice level 0 (not talking)


Finish the sentence: Before I leave for the restroom I must _________________________.

sign out


How do we treat staff at the cafeteria? (2 things)

Show respect, listen at all times, follow directions, use manners, CLIMB with character


What could you do if your friend is calling you names and making fun of you?

Tell them that you do not appreciate the way they are treating you.  Go find some other friends to hang out with.  Tell the teacher if it becomes a bigger issue.