School Policies
Late Work Policy
Classroom Rules
Class Routine
Bathroom Policy

What time are you required to be in Homeroom?



How many days after the due date do you get to hand in a perfect assignment in order to receive full credit?

None. You can only get a perfect score on a perfectly completed assignment if it's handed in on the due date. 


Fill in the blank- 2 words: When speaking always use ____________ ______________.

Appropriate language


Every Friday what should you submit?

Do Now


How many times can you leave Ms. Potter's class a marking period to use the bathroom?

5 times


How many times are you able to be late to a class before you receive a write-up?

Three; your fourth lateness give probable cause to submit a referral. 

After how many days can you only receive a 50% or less on an assignment?



Fill in the blank- 2 words: Throw _________ all of your _________.

Away; trash


Upon entering class what should you do?

Sit down, check the board and load Chromebook.


How long do you have to wait until you are able to leave any classroom for the bathroom?

10 minutes


What are you supposed to do with your cell phone upon entering class?

Put it (or them) in the pockets in the back of the room. 


Complete the phrase: "If you want your work graded on time ______________________________."

"...turn your work in on time."


Fill in the blank- 3 words: Keep ________ _________ away during ________.

all- electronics- class

Prior to asking "What we doing today?" What are the two things you need to do? 

Check the classroom website in the beginning of the week or check the daily agenda on the board. 


What are you required to do before you leave the classroom for the bathroom?

Sign out on the classroom Chromebook.


During a lockdown drill what are you required to do?

Get into the corner adjacent from the door, crouch down and remain quiet. 


In a single marking period, if an assignment is given on the first day of that marking period, when is the last day you are able to hand in that assignment?

Mid-marking period


Fill in the blank- 4 words: Be ____ _____ ___ ______.

on time to class.


When the lesson is being taught, what should you NOT do?

Converse with other students, be on your phone, ask to leave the classroom, get out of your seat and walk around my classroom, etc. 


What is your reward for not using the bathroom during my class period?

100 point quiz grade. 


What are the repercussions of plagiarism?

Zero on the assignment; a write-up; a phone call home; disciplinary points; possible suspension; possible community service 


If an assignment is due on a Thursday, what days of the week are considered late days up until late day number seven? 

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


Fill in the blank- 5 words: ________ ___ ______ ____________ ______ all supplies.

Come to class prepared with


At the end of the period, what should you as a student do?

PACK UP YOUR BELONGINGS AND TOSS OUT YOUR TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How much time, from the time you sign out, do you get to be out of the room for the bathroom?

10 minutes from the time you checkout util the time you check back in.