When entering the class you should first..? Then you should put up .... and take off....?
1. Be on time.
2. No cell phones.
3. No headphones/Airpods/Earbuds
When the bell rings, where should you be sitting?
In your assigned seat.
How many students will be allowed to take attendance to the front office?
What should they have?
Lanyard and white pass
Can students leave class early?
No, with the exception of being checked out, coaches dismissing atheletes for an away game, etc...
What behavior should you exhibit during assemblies?
Young adult behavior
What three pieces of clothing should be removed when the tardy bell rings?
1. No Hat.
2. No Hoodies.
3. No Shades
What is not allowed during class time/instruction?
Cell phones
How many students are allowed out of the classroom at a time?
Is there an exception?
If they are checking out or if a department has called for them.
Where should you be when the bell rings.
In your assigned seat.
Students caught in an unsupervised area will be subject to?
What is the appropriate dress code for young ladies?
No belly buttons
Midriffs showing
shorts must be longer than fingertips
No holes in jeans above fingertips unless tights are underneath pants
With the exception of water, what else is not allowed in the classroom?
No food or drink.
Which critical time of the day are you not allowed to use a pass?
During lunches.
Who dismisses you?
What should the teacher implement before you enter the classroom?
Capturing Kids' Hearts
In order to respect others, you must first respect who? Who else?
What is grounds for removal by the dean with a referral?
Gross disrespect, insubordination and profanity toward a teacher.
Where is the only place you are allowed to use the restroom?
In your designated colored zones.
If a student is caught in the hallway without a pass what will be the consequence?
You will be taken to ISS/ILR
What is the consequence for having food delivered to campus?
The food will be confiscated and a referral will be issued.
What are some ways you can respect others?
By Using appropriate language.
Pick up after yourself and clean your mess.
Follow directions when given.
There will be no passes to what four areas?
Another teacher's classroom
What time is dismissal?
If you are caught leaving campus, what will be the consequence?
You will be given 3 days ISS
If students are 10 minutes late after the bell rings, what is the consequence?
You will be assigned detention, followed by a higher consequence if problems persist.
You will receive a referral for skipping.