Can you run in the classroom?
No, you cannot run in the classroom!
True or False: You can submit your homework as late as you want.
False. You must submit your work on time. If you do not, it may not be graded.
If you hear someone saying something mean about another student, what do you do?
You can tell them it's not nice.
You can tell a teacher.
You can be a friend to the other person.
Why can't you talk when the teacher is talking?
You won't hear instructions or information.
Why do we wear masks in school?
To protect ourselves from getting sick.
Can you sleep during class?
No, you cannot sleep during class.
True or False: You can color or play with toys in class.
False: You need to pay attention in class.
If someone is talking when the teacher is talking, what should you do?
I can put my finger to my lips to remind them to be quiet and listen.
Why is it important to listen to the teacher?
It's important because the teacher is giving information.
No. Your food belongs to you. We shouldn't share, because it could spread germs.
Can you talk while the teacher is talking?
No, you should not talk when the teacher is talking.
True or False: You must listen to your teacher when they are speaking.
True. When you listen, you can hear instructions and information.
When the teacher gives an assignment during class, but you don't understand, what do you do?
You can raise your hand, and ask questions.
Why do you have to raise your hand?
If everyone tries to answer at once, no one can hear.
Sometimes, if it gets too noisy in a classroom, it can make people anxious.
What happens if I lose or break my mask?
It's good to have an extra mask in your backpack. If you do not, you can ask the teacher or the office.
Can you leave my desk during class?
No, you cannot leave your seat unless you ask the teacher.
True or False: You can talk when the teacher is talking.
False: No. If you talk when the teacher is talking, it makes it difficult for others to learn.
When a teacher says to submit an assignment on a certain day, what do you do?
I turn my homework in on time!
Why do you have to use an inside voice?
If you speak loudly or yell, it can disturb other students who are trying to work.
If everyone is loud or yelling, no one can hear or focus.
What do you do if you feel sick?
Tell the teacher, they can help you visit the nurse's office.
Can you color or play with toys in class?
No, you should not color or play with toys in class?
True or False: You raise your hand to answer questions.
True. You raise your hand to answer questions.
If you are having trouble paying attention, what should you do?
You should talk to the teacher so you can make a plan to help you pay attention.
Why do you have to submit work on time?
If you submit my homework late, the teacher may not be able to grade it in time, or help you if there are any mistakes.
If you are sick, should you come to school?
No, you should stay home until you feel better.