Snack and Lunch Rules
Morning Entry
Washroom Rules
Recess Rules
End of day routine

This happens at 10:10 am?

What is morning snack?


"Ding, Ding, Ding" the morning bell has gone.  I'll then do this to show I'm ready.

What is line up in a straight line?

I will autograph this sheet with my name and time.

What is the washroom sign-out sheet.


Someone got hurt.

What is find a teacher?


I push this in when I'm about to get my backpack.

What is my chair?


I do this when I'm done eating my snack/lunch.

What is clean up after myself because Mr. R isn't your maid? 


After you come into the classroom and got all your materials for the day, you sit at your desk and look at he board for this.

What is the Bell Work?


I will keep this place clean when I use it.

What is the washroom?


I do this when an argument begins.

What is first try to resolve it by talking it out?


I'll clean things on this and below this.

What are things on and below my desk?


I am allowed to do this when I'm done eating and have cleaned up after myself.

What is use my laptop?


Retrieve homework, Agenda, and materials to start the day.

Things that you do upon entry to the classroom


To keep from getting myself or others sick I wash this after using the washroom.

What are my hands?


I do not and will never have the right to do this if I'm upset/mad

What is insult or put my hands/feet on another person?

It's my responsibility to have these things when I go home.

What are my backpack, water bottle, homework, agenda and any personal effects. 


Tidy up my lunch, snack, laptop and when this person says this.

What is " Put your stuff away, get ready for recess and line up"?

I'm only allowed to enter the classroom when this person is in the classroom.

Who are the teachers.


This place is not a playground.

What is the washroom?


I do this after I've talked to the other person and the situation is getting worse.

What is walk away and find a teacher who will assist you in resolving the conflict?


I'll already have this at my desk from the morning.

What is my agenda?


Doing these two things can create a potential to damage your laptops.

What is eating and drinking while playing on my laptop?


You go to the office to get a slip if your ________.

What is late?

I sign this when I return with my partner from the washroom.

What is the washroom sign-out/sign-in sheet?

I do this when I see a stranger at the fence.

What is tell the teacher so that they can deal with the adult?

It's how you show the teacher you're ready to leave the classroom.

What is line up quietly in a straight line so I don't get fined and loose money and have to stay longer in class?