How do students enter the classroom?
Voices Off
How can we be safe in the classroom?
No running, no hitting
How can we be respectful in the art room?
Treat others, the teachers and supplies with respect
What should I do if I need the teacher or have a question?
Stay in my seat and RAISE my hand?
What do the Materials Masters do?
Pass out and put back supplies
How do I show Mrs. Dierks I am ready to learn when sitting on the carpet?
Having my voice off and looking at her.
How do I safely sit on the carpet?
Walk and don't jump or slide on the carpet.
How do I show my art materials respect?
Take good care of them. (example, hair in the air with paint brushes).
What does the "S" stand for in our class ARTIST rules?
Sit and Stay in my seat
What do the Floor and Chair Checkers do?
What do the Table cleaners to?
They use clorox wipes to clean the tables.
What do noise monitors do?
Make sure the class is at a proper volume.
What does the Sink Squad do?