What is something that you will need to write with?
Pencil or Pen
How should you come into the classroom?
Walk In
When are cell phones allowed in class?
Not at any time.
How should you be when a guest teacher is in the room?
Kind and helpful
What is the highest voice level you can have in the extended learning space?
What is something that you will need to help you take notes?
Paper or Pad of Paper
Where should you place your Chromebook when you come into the classroom?
In the assigned station place and number.
What directions should you follow with a guest teacher?
All directions
When in the extended learning space, you must stay where?
In sight or by our classroom
What is something that you will need if you finish early with Healthy Living assignments?
Extra Work
Where should you sit when you come into class?
Assigned Seat
What is not allowed in your case or in the classroom?
Make up or hair products
What type of behavior should you demonstrate to the guest teacher?
Best-PACK Pride
If you need to leave the extended learning area, what do you need first?
What should you be ready to do when you are in this class?
How should you leave the classroom?
What items are allowed in your pencil cases?
School related items: pencils, erasers, highlighters, markers, chap stick.
If you have questions about an assignment, what should you do if I am absent?
Email or message Mrs. Rikkers
Who can correct your behavior?
Any adult
What is something you need that will need a charger?
Where should you put materials at the end of class?
In their CORRECT spots
What will happen if you are caught on your cell phone?
The phone will be taken away and brought to the office.
Where can you find all of your assignments and communication for our class?
Google Classroom
What should you do if another teacher needs to use the extended learning area for testing?
Move back to the classroom