When are you allowed to chew gum in class?
What is NEVER!
When walking in the hallway, what side should you be on?
What is tight to the right
What is Ms. M's favorite color?
What is GREEN!!
If I am in the middle of teaching, talking, or giving directions, is that a good time to get up and throw away trash or sharpen your pencil?
What is no. Wait until the teacher is finished to get up and do what you need to do.
Name one possible incentive
When I say Marco, you say...
What is Polo
What volume level is acceptable in the hallway
What is 0 or 1
What kind of pets does Ms. M have?
What are cats
When you enter class, what is the first thing you should do?
What is make sure your phone is put in your backpack, and put your backpack in the designated area.
The first time you act out or are disruptive/disrespectful/etc., you receive a warning. What happens if there is a second time?
What is silent lunch or time out
When someone knocks on the door, you do what?
What is stay seated
What kind of line do we walk in in the hallway?
What is single file
Does Ms. M prefer things to be messy or neat?
What is neat
What four things should you always have for class?
What is a pencil, notebook (composition or looseleaf paper that goes in a binder), stamp book, and Chromebook
If you have already been given silent lunch and then you do something bad again, will your parent be notified?
What is yes
When can you go to the bathroom?
What is the beginning of 2nd and 4th academic
Do we want to show everyone we are better than them by how amazing our line is and how quiet we can be in the hallway?
What is Ms. M's favorite snack
What is Cheddar jalepeno cheetos
If Ms. M feels that you are not paying attention or being disruptive, what are the chances that she calls on you?
What is high
What are 3 examples of things that can lead to an incentive or positive behavior reward?
Ex: being engaged in class, being kind to others/helping others with their work, doing an exemplary job on an assignment, tidying up the teacher's room/being helpful to the teacher or others without being prompted to, etc.
If I have trash in Ms. M's room, what should I do with it?
What is throw it away! Please!
What does the person in the front of the line do when they reach a corner or the end of the hallway
What is pause until the teacher tells them to keep going
What is Ms. M's favorite thing to do in her free time?
What is read or go to concerts
During morning and afternoon announcements, we do what?
What is stay seated and be quiet so you and others around you can hear.
List 3 examples of MAJOR violations that could lead directly to a referral or worse
Bullying, Harassment of any kind, Sustained defiance or interruption of class, Leaving classroom without permission, Fighting, Drug use or possession, Verbal threats of aggression against a teacher or student, abusive language including profanity and gesturing directed towards a person, major physical contact including PDA (specifically kissing), vandalism, possession of illegal items (drugs/alcohol, vape/lighter, weapons), cyber-bullying, inappropriate images/sites, stealing.