Mr. Kroah's Rules
Fun Facts about
Mr. Kroah

This is SOAR.

What is Sit Up, Open eyes and ears on the Speaker, Ask Questions, Respect others?


This is what one should do if there is a fire drill?

Safely line up at the door, turn right in the hallway and exit the building through the front. Line up away from the building to take roll (make sure no one died).


These are examples of someone being hurtful to another.

What is calling someone names, bullying, mimicking, using sarcasm, and any other action use to purposely hurt another person's feelings?


This is Mr. Kroah's favorite supehero.

Who is Spider-man?


A student is presenting their project over the Civil War. This is the procedure you should follow.

What is SOAR?


This is what  it means to "Sit up" during a lesson?

What is your having your back flat against the back of the chair, feet on the floor, and your bottom flat on the seat?


This is the procedure you should follow if there is a tornado drill.

What is safely and quietly open the tornado shelter, enter it, and wait for the drill to end.


These are examples of how NOT to be disruptive in class.

What is using SOAR while someone is speaking, being silent during independent time, and not interrupting another groups progress during group work?


This is Mr. Kroah's favorite topic to teach.

What is the Gilded Age? (1900-before Great Depression)


You are being disruptive during an independent practice activity. Mr. Kroah will go through the following procedure (include the procedure if you continue to be disruptive)

What is:

Ask for you to correct your behavior

Ask you to move to a safe seat

Ask you to move to the Buddy Room


Describe reasons why it is it important to have open eyes and ears on the speaker"?

What is this tells the speaker you are listening to what they are saying, and they should do the same for you?


Describe the steps to take during an unexpected lockdown.

What is lock the door, turn the light off, enter the tornado shelter, grab items to be ready to fight?


This is Mr. Kroah's main rule.

What is Be Cool?

These are three of the four things Mr. Kroah went to do over the summer break.

(Bonus Points if you guess all four)

What is go to the NF concert, Monster Jam, go to WWE Summerslam in Cleveland, and what is visit Mount Rushmore in South Dakota?


Mr. Kroah is giving a lesson about the Spanish conquering South America. You did not understand anything what Mr. Kroah said. This is what you should do if you don’t understand something that was just taught.

What is raising your hand, wait to be called on, ask the question/for clarification


Give an example of how to "Respect others" while someone is speaking.

What is have eyes and ears on them while sitting up, and asking them questions to understand what they are speaking on?


This is the first thing you should do if a classmate is injured?

What is calmly get assistance from Mr. Kroah?


Give an example of when it is okay to ask for help.

What is ALWAYS?


This is an occupation Mr. Kroah had before becoming a teacher.

What is a Behavioral Health Tech (BHT)?

BONUS QUESTION: What did Mr. Kroah do at the job?


You have just entered Mr. Kroah's classroom during passing period, this is the procedure you should use to get ready for class.

What is answer the "Would You Rather?" question, quietly retrieving your binder, quietly sitting in your assigned seat, and begin working on your bellwork?


One of your fellow students are giving a speech about the reasons why horses were the most important resource for the Mexican-American War. Explain the process you should be following, and how you are gonna follow each step specfically.

What is sit up while they give their speech, keep my eyes and ears on the speaker, wait until the end of their speech before I ask them questions, respect others around me by not being disruptive (talking, tapping on my desk, snoring)?


These are reasons why it is important to follow emergency procedures?

What are so no one gets hurt, no one is lost, it can be done quickly and efficiently?


Discuss why doing your best is essential in the classroom. (Two reasons)

What is you are teaching yourself to push yourself to always try things even if you may be scared to do it, or you do not want to do it, and put forth effort to excel in the classroom?


Name one US President born from the same state as Mr. Kroah.

Who are William Henry Harrison, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William H. Taft, Warren G. Harding?

(Bonus Points if you can guess the state)


You decided to be very rebellious today. You chose to keep your phone in your pocket, however you forgot to turn your ringer off and it goes off in class because your mom texted you she loves you. Mr. Kroah POLITELY requests you to turn the ringer off and put your phone on his desk. You argue with Mr. Kroah saying, "Oh my gosh, it's just my mom!" This is the next procedure Mr. Kroah will follow.

What is telling you continue the task you were given, then go sit in the safe seat?