Procedures Part 2
Other School Things

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising your hand at a LEVEL 0 until you are picked.


What is one of the expectations that we created as a class? give an example!


What should you be doing while others are talking or during a lesson?

Actively listening, paying attention, taking notes (if instructed), participating by raising your hand, staying at a level 0


What is the signal if you need to have your pencil sharpened?


What type of backpack should you bringing to school?



What do you do when you need help?

Ask your teammates first. If no can figure it out then you raise your hand at a level 0 and wait patiently until Ms. C calls on you or walks up to you. 


What is one of the expectations that we created as a class? give an example!


How do students respect other students properties?

By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before using anything.


What is the signal if you need to get water?


What do you do to help others be a better student?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!


What should you be doing when going back to class after lunch?

Walking in a line behind the person in front of you, hands to ourselves, and voices at a level 0. 


What is one of the expectations that we created as a class? give an example!


How can you show kindness to other students?

Complimenting them, helping them out, playing with them


What is the signal when I need to get your attention?


What food can students not have in class anymore?

Hot Cheetos, Takis, candy 

What are the procedures for getting ready to leave for the day?

Put your laptop away, stack your chair and extra ones, put all materials away, make sure your bins and tables are neat and clean, grab your backpack and get in line quietly.


What is one of the expectations that we created as a class? give an example!


How should you not be behaving when in the class? 

Calling out, being disrespectful, calling other students names, throwing materials, not doing your work


What are the procedures for a fire drill?

Walking quietly and fast, behind the person in front of you, hands to ourselves, listening for directions


What does a good working group look like?

They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.


What do you do when you walk into the class every morning?

walk in quietly, unstack chairs, put your backpack on a hook, wash your hands, grab your laptop, bellwork journal and get started on bellwork


How should you treat ALL teachers and staff at the school?

With respect, listen to them, be kind to them


How can students respect others?

By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.

What do you need to do when you need to go to the bathroom?

Raise your hand using the bathroom signal, wait for Ms. C to let you know when you can go, sign out when you leave, sign back in when you get back, come in quietly


How do students line up?

However i call you (by student, by group) or ABC order