Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Flexible Seating Procedures
Classroom procedures
Hallway Procedures

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you first come in every day?

1. Get Chromebook from cart

2. Put lunch in wagon

3. Neatly put your backpack on hook

4. Keep coat at your seat

5. Quietly sit at seat and wait for morning announcements to start


When can I flexible seat?

Only on your day. If your classroom number is odd, you will flexible seat on an odd day, if your classroom number is even, you will flexible seat on an even day. Check the calendar daily for even or odd day. 


When it is time to rotate, what do I do?

1. Make sure your desk is in its spot and all trash is picked up around you

2. Gather all of your supplies in your crate including water bottle and coat

3. Wait in line in the classroom until directions are given and teacher says "Abracadabra". You may then go put your crate out in the hall and wait quietly


What is the noise level in the hallway?



What does work time sound like?

Level 0, unless you have permission to talk, then level 1.


How do you ask for help in class?

Raise your hand and wait for a response from the teacher.

If teacher is busy with other students, you may quietly ask a friend or neighbor for help


Where can I flexible seat?

There are several choices: Tall table (2), floor table(6), rocking chair at desk(5), gaming chair (1), standing at counter (2), group table (6) (Only if no group is going on)


Can I play games on my Chromebook if I am done with all of my work?

No. You will follow the list of tasks for the day located on google classroom and on the board


How do I walk in the hallway?

Single file, feet and hands to yourself


When is it ok to start cleaning up or start working?

After I have given directions and say "Abracadabra"


When can I use the bathroom or fill my water bottle?

You may only leave the classroom once during the rotation. You will use the bathroom sign only during work time, NOT during whole class or group time. It is best if you fill your water bottle at the same time as going to the bathroom. 


How many times per week can I go to the flexible seating spot?

One time. You must choose a different flexible seating spot each time per week.


How do I clean up at the end of the day?

1. You put your Chromebook away

2. You make sure your desk is in its spot and that all trash around you is picked up

3. You make sure you have your lunch box, back pack, coat, and anything else that you brought for the day

4. You wait quietly in line for your teacher to dismiss you for the day


What side of the hall do I walk down?

The right side


When can we eat in class?

During snack time


When can I sharpen my pencil?

During worktime. Not during teaching or lesson time. 


Can I sit with my friends during flexible seating?

Yes, if you are choosing that spot to help you learn


Where do I put work that I need to turn in?

In the basket located at the front of the room


Can I go to the bathroom while walking in the hallway?

Yes, if you use the bathroom sign and the teacher says it is OK


How can you respect others?

By listening to them, taking turns sharing, using nice words, and safe bodies. 


How do we line up to leave the room?

After I have given directions and say "Abracadabra", you may quietly get into line. 


Can I save a spot for my friend and sit with him/her each day I flexible seat?

No. The whole purpose of flexible seating is to find a good learning space for YOU. You may NEVER save spots, and classroom noise rules apply even while flexible seating. 


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless you are putting your Chromebook away and then you come immediately back into the classroom


When walking to specials, do I just walk straight there without stopping>

ART- Yes

MUSIC- No. Wait in designated stopping spots

PE- No. Wait in designated stopping spots