Morning Routine
Clean Up
Entering the Classroom
Disturbing Ms. Walker
Overall Classroom Rules

Should we wander around the classroom and disturb our classmates before class begins?



How do we clean up breakfast?

One friend will pick up trash/wipes from breakfast eaters, one friend will spray desks with cleaner, and one more friend will pass out paper towels/wipes.


What noise level should we enter the classroom at?

Level 0 or level 1


If I didn't hear Ms. Walker's instructions, what should I do?

Ask 1, 2, or all 3 other students at your table


Something doesn't go my way (recess taken away, I have to sit by someone I don't like, I got a math problem wrong). How should I act?

Don't take it out on others. Everyday is a new day.


How do we play with the soft start toys?

Quietly and in our assigned seat. Do not throw, purposefully drop, or be destructive to the toys.


Where should we stack our chairs at the end of the day?

On one side of the table, all 4 chairs stacked on top of each other 


What should you do with your personal belongings?

Hang them on the hook assigned to YOUR number


If Ms. Walker is with a small group, should I ask her a question about my assignment?

No. See 3 before me.


How do we line up to leave the classroom? (Specials, lunch, bathroom)

Straight line in numerical order, 2 1 0


If there is morning work on the board or on your desk, do you have to complete it?



How do we clean up the library?

Books return to SAME BUCKET as you took it from


Can I enter the room if Ms. Walker or a substitute isn't at her door?



If Ms. Walker's phone is ringing or if Dr. Anderson/Mrs. Wirth is approaching, how many times can the class tell her?

The teacher's helper may tell Ms. Walker once if she does not already know.


What level of volume is appropriate in the classroom when doing group work? What about when Ms. Walker is teaching?

Level 1 for group work, level 0 when Ms. Walker is teaching


What can you do after you complete your morning work?

Grab a soft start bucket


What do you do if you make a mess?

Tell Ms. Walker and she will give you the appropriate item to clean up your mess (broom/dust pan, paper towel, spray, etc)


What do you do with the homework that is due?

Place it in the turn in tray BEFORE eating breakfast or completing morning work


Ms. Walker is teaching a multiplication lesson, but I don't understand the strategy she's using! What should I do?

Raise your hand quietly and ask for clarification after she calls on you


What should I bring to school everyday? 

Take home folder with completed work/forms, pencil, journals, supplies, positive attitude!


If you want breakfast in the morning, what should you do?

Take one of everything and tell Ms. Walker you grabbed breakfast


How do you clean up after small group?

All materials return to location where you originally got it from. Ms. Walker will set a 2 minute timer. At the end of the timer, there should be nothing on the floor and every one should be in their assigned seat.


Where should I go if I need a sharpened pencil?

The blue basket by the classroom door


I want to get Ms. Walker's attention. Is it necessary to say her name 30,000 times? If not, what should I do instead?

No! Please don't do that! Instead, raise your hand and she will come to you. If she is at her desk, approach her desk from the front and ask your question once she acknowledges you.


What is the one thing I should always have with me NO MATTER WHAT?

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