In the
In the
Make Smart

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

Raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you first come in every day?

Unpack backpack, take out yellow folder, use the restroom, grab your Chromebook, sharpen pencils,  and start Morning Work. 


How do we line up for recess, specials, lunch, and restroom breaks?

Wait to be called, walk quietly to line. Face forward, no talking, hands to self, straight line. 


How can you be a kind friend at recess?

Taking turns, hands and feet to self, using nice words, including others in your games, etc.


Brian stops at this locker between classes to check his phone. 

What should Brian have done instead? 

His phone should be off during the whole school day and should stay in his locker all school day. 


What does work time sound like?

Level 0, unless you have permission to talk, then level 1.


What will happen if you get three behavior marks in a day?

You will get a lunch detention.  


When can I use the bathroom?

At the designated times throughout the day. Then with teacher's perm, but Not during lesson time. You will use your restroom pass. 


How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?

Give 5...ears listening, eyes watching, hands and feet are still, mouth closed.


How do we walk back into the room?

Walk in quietly without words and sit in your seat.


What is Classroom Rule #1, and what are the motions? 

Follow directions quickly. 



What does Classroom Rule #5 mean? 

Make choices that keep your classmates and your teacher happy and keep our classroom peaceful. 


What should you do with items that you find in the classroom and don't know who they belong to?

Put them in the blue container on the counter by the pencil sharpener.  


How do we act at small group table? What do you do when it's not your turn at small group?

You sit nicely in your chair, do small group work together, then walk back to your desk. 

If it's not your turn at small group, you're doing center work at the tables or  quietly at your desk. 


Jess runs into the classroom a minute before class starts and begins playing tag with another student. What should Jeff have done instead?

Jess should enter quietly, complete his morning jobs, sit down at this seat, and start his Bell Work. 


How do you know what to-do in the morning?

Look at the CleverTouch to see What to Do every morning.


When can I sharpen my pencil?

At the beginning of the day. Not during teaching or lesson time. 


Always walk on the ____________ side of the hallway and move quietly. 

right side


How do students respect other students things?

By not touching them or destroying them. If you want to borrow something or look at something, you need to ask nicely first. If they say no, respect their answer and ask someone else.


Tyrone is making faces at Jason during the classroom lesson. Tyrone and Jason are friends. 

What should Jason do? 

Jason should ignore Tyrone. If Tyrone continues, Jason should raise his hand and tell the teacher. 


What is Rule #3 with the motions? 

Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 



How do we line up to leave the room?

Wait until you are called, push in your chair, and walk to line without talking. 


What should you do if you are missing a supply like crayons, pencil, scissors, or glue?

Borrow one from the class supplies, or ask a neighbor if they are willing to share.



Jessica need to go to the bathroom so she screams out acorss the class: I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!

What should Jessica have done? 

She should raise her hand and as to go the bathroom after the teacher calls on her. 


Your teacher gives you an assignment that you don't want to do, so you just sit there and don't do it. 

What should you do instead?

You should try your best and ask for help if you need it. Otherwise, you may have consequences.