Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Classroom procedures 2

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you first come in every day?

Unpack EVERYTHING from bag, place bag in outside cubby, and read the information on the white board.


How do we line up for recess, specials, and restroom breaks?

Wait to be called, walk quietly to line. Face forward, no talking in the hallways. Walk as a class.


What do you do if you have a question when the teacher is at small group/round table?

3 before me! Ask 3 friends for help before asking the teacher.


How will I know when to start an activity if my teacher is giving directions?

Wait until he finishes giving directions. 


What does work time sound like?

Level 0, unless you have permission to talk, then level 1.


What will happen if you follow the rules?

You will have to get a Brag Tag and points towards your PBIS house.


What do you do if you finish your work early? 

Read or work on your homework in class.


What do we do after snack and lunch? 

Clean up and make sure the classroom floor is clean. 


How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?

Give 5...ears listening, eyes watching, hands and feet are still, mouth closed. 


How do students respect other students things?

By not touching them or destroying them. If you want to borrow something or look at something, you need to ask nicely first. If they say no, respect their answer and ask someone else. 


When can I use the bathroom?

During BREAK, LUNCH, or before Prayer. Not during lesson time. You still need to tell the teacher before you go. 


What should you do with items that you find in the classroom and don't know who they belong to?

Put them on the bookshelf by the door. 


How do we act at small group table? What do you do when it's not your turn at small group?

You sit nicely in your chair, do small group work together, then walk back to your desk. 

If it's not your turn at small group, you're doing center work at the tables or  quietly at your desk. 


What should you do if another student hits you or says mean things to you? 

Inform the teacher. Do not hit or say mean things back.


How do you know what to-do in the morning?

Look at the slide on the whiteboard every morning


What do you do during dismissal? 

Sit quietly and wait for the teacher to call your name. Do not get up from your seat unless the teacher calls your name.

Where can you turn in your work?

Yellow bin on the bookshelf near the door.


What should you do if you are missing a supply like crayons, pencil, scissors, or glue? 

Borrow one from the teacher, or ask a neighbor if they are willing to share. 


How can you be a kind friend at recess?

Taking turns, hands and feet to self, using nice words, including others in your games, etc. 


How can you respect others?

By listening to them, taking turns sharing, using nice words, and safe bodies. 


How do we line up to leave the room?

Wait until you are called, push in your chair, and walk to line without talking. 


How do we walk back into the room?

Walk in quietly without words and sit in your seat. 


How do we behave in the auditorium? 

Hands and feet to ourselves. Sit quietly. No kicking the chairs infront of you. No talking while the speaker is talking. Be the best students and not embarrass Mr. Rabee.


What should you do if you hear the fire alarm ring?

Stop what I am doing, line up quickly and quietly, and place finger on my mouth and raise a peace sign in the air. FOLLOW THE TEACHER'S INSTRUCTIONS