How do you come to the carpet area?
Chairs pushed in, walking, quietly.
How do I line up?
I always line up in my number order.
What do I do if I brought my lunch and I do not need to go through the line?
I should go straight to our table and start eating.
What do I do if I need to use the restroom?
I should show my teacher the correct hand signal.
What do I do during a fire drill?
-stop what I am doing immediately and line up with a bubble in my mouth -exit the building and wait in our spot
How do you sit on the carpet
Criss Cross applesauce hands in your lap
What should my hands be doing while I'm in line in the hallway?
My hands should be behind my back or in my pockets.
What should I do if I need something?
I should raise my hand and ask an adult. I should not get up without permission.
Can I ask to go to the restroom while my teacher is teaching a lesson or if we are on the carpet?
No, I need to wait until the lesson is over unless it is an emergency.
Can I talk during a fire drill, or emergency drill?
No, I need to make sure I have a bubble in my mouth so that I can hear instructions or important information.
How should you enter the room?
What should my mouth be doing while in the hallway?
my mouth should have a bubble.
What do I do when I am done eating my lunch?
I wait until someone tells me it is time to dump my tray and line up.
How should it sound in the restroom?
It should be quiet. The restroom is not a place to socialize. I take care of my business quickly and get out.
What do I do during a lock down drill?
-Door closed and locked -Lights off -find a place in the room away from door and window -sit without talking or noise until "All Clear" is announced
What do you do if you need help or don't understand something?
Raise my hand and ask Mrs. Gambuti
How should I be standing in the hallway if I am waiting?
Quietly with a bubble in my mouth
Can I share my food with someone?
No, they could be allergic to something and become very sick.
What do I do if I see something in the restroom that shouldn't be there or if someone else is playing around in the restroom?
I will tell the teacher immediately.
What do I do if I am not in the classroom and there is a fire drill?
I should go out the closet exit and find an adult and tell them who my teacher is and that I was in the restroom.
What should you do when the teacher is teaching or talking?
I should be being a respectful listener by listening and not talking.
What do I do if I see someone in the wrong order or if someone is talking to me?
I should show them that I have a bubble in my mouth without talking.
How should I act in the cafeteria?
I can talk quietly while I eat. If I spill something I will raise my hand to get help. I will always walk and not run.
What should I do once I am done using the restroom?
If we go as a class, I get back in my number spot with a bubble in my mouth. If I go without my class, I come back to the classroom immediately after using the restroom.
What should I do if I am not in the classroom during a lockdown drill?
Go to the nearest classroom. Do NOT go all the way back to our classroom.