This is where your backpack goes as soon as you enter the room
What is the last thing you should do before leaving the classroom at the end of the day
Line up
What is the signal that it's time to transition?
Show 5
Where is homework posted each day?
Planner slide
First thing you do when you hear the fire alarm
Push in chair and find line order spot silently
What is the very first things you do when you enter the room
Make lunch choice, follow directions on board
How do you make sure that our classroom is clean before dismissal
JOBS (if you have one), chairs stacked, floor is clean
What is the procedure for lining up to leave the room as a class?
Put materials away, push in chair, line order spot, silently ready for the hallway
What is the deadline for turning in homework?
The day after it's assigned
Where can you find the emergency exit route posted in our classroom?
By the door
What is the procedure for marking yourself present in class?
Look to the right and the left of you, tell me if your partner is not here
What do you need to make sure that you have in your backpack before you leave?
Planner, lunch box, water bottle, homework(if needed)
How do we transition back to class from lunch and recess?
Read the board, get materials (if any) find your seat, talk quietly with table partners
What do you do if you are missing a ton of homework?
What is the procedure for a LOCKDOWN drill, including where to go and how to behave
Go behind my desk where you can't see the door, SILENT
*BONUS: procedure for LOCKOUT drill?
What is the correct way to start our morning circle
Sit in a circle, next to your partner, silently
What is the process for turning in late work
let me know and put it in the turn in bin
What does 'show 5' mean
What do you do if you are absent and miss an assignment or test
See a classmate about missing homework, see me about a missing test
What do you do if you notice something unsafe in the classroom or school?
What do you do if you arrived late
Silently put things away and get out materials for current subject
What do you do if your after school routine changes
Have parents email me, let me know
What do you do if you are not done with an activity or assignment when transition time is called?
Come and talk to me and finish it during WIN time
Where to find graded homework
What are the steps to follow if you or a classmate are injured in the classroom
LET ME KNOW and we will figure out next steps