Put belongings away, make a lunch choice, start on morning work
What voice level should you be at in the hallways?
When can we take off our masks?
Only when we are OUTSIDE. Not in the hallways.
How should you wash your hands before lunch?
Thoroughly with soap and water.
What should you do when you hear an attention getter? ("Hey Class")
Respond, freeze, and listen for instructions
What voice level should you be working at during INDEPENDENT work time?
Where should your hands be in the hallways?
By your SIDES!
When you hear the whistle blow at recess, what is your job?
When should you get up in the lunchroom?
Bathroom or salad bar
What is your responsibility during transitions?
Clean up all your materials
What is your job during whole-group lessons while you're on the carpet?
Active listening, appropriate voice level, engaging in lesson with peers
How should you wear your mask in the hallways?
How should we use the slide(s)?
What do you need to do if you want to get up in the lunchroom?
Raise your hand
How many people in the bathroom at once?
During Morning Meeting, when should you be talking?
Only when you are sharing and you have Sprinkles.
What should we do if we see an adult trying to cross?
STOP and let them pass.
If you bring recess materials outside with you, it is your responsibility to...
Bring them back inside.
What is your job when you hear the Clap or Whistle in the lunchroom?
Voices off, listening to clean-up instructions
What is the hand signal to use the bathroom?
Crossing fingers
What does it mean to be responsible with our learning materials?
What should we do if we see another student in the class not being bulldog strong?
Remind them to be quiet with the Bulldog Symbol.
What is the expectation when we are walking inside the school from being outside at recess?
Voices off, Masks on, single-file line
How should you be lined up when I come pick you up?
Single-file line, voices off, hands to self. (Refrain from touching others, touching basketball hoop)
What does it mean to be responsible in the bathroom?
Do your thang quickly, wash hands, hustle back to class