The top three causes of injuries at schools are...
Slips, trips, and falls, bullying, and bus accidents
Chemical injuries make up a decent percentage of school injuries. When using chemicals in a lab for an experiment, you should always ask questions if you're unsure of what to do and ______________.
Follow the teacher/instructor's directions for how to safely handle/use/mix things.
When doing a job that requires handling food, you should ___________ to prevent contamination.
Wear gloves
This safety rule can apply to both school and work. When you see an unsafe situation, you should...
Report it to your boss/teacher
Slips, trips, and falls make up __ percent of all injuries at school.
In 2020, the number of injuries from slips, trips, and falls at work dropped to __ percent.
18%, but this goes up to 37% if you work in a school.
To prevent slips, trips, and falls, you should...
Keep your belongings out of walkways.
When driving to or from work or driving for work, you should not...
Be on your phone / drink and drive
Another common cause of injury at schools is sports, which make up __ percent of injuries (in the linked study).
In 2020, there were ____ non-fatal injuries at work, mainly relating to slips, trips, falls, illnesses, and other common causes.
2.7 million
These safety precautions are taken at most schools to ensure that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency (lockdown, fire, tornado, earthquake, etc.)
Students participate in drills to ensure that everyone knows how to react should one of these things occur.
Like with pretty much anything, you shouldn't work with machinery or other dangerous equipment until you...
Have the necessary safety gear/equipment or the tools you'll need
Only __ percent of elementary schools have cameras.
77.9%; For comparison, middle and high schools are much higher, often around 91.5 and 93.6%
The majority of injuries at schools are fractures or sprains, both of which make up __ percent of injuries (each).
This makes up 1/5 of the yearly non-fatal injuries at work.
Back Injuries (going back to the one about overexertion)
During the pandemic, our school made these three changes to help keep people safe (prevent the spread of COVID).
Masks were required, water fountains were covered, and hallways were one-way
To prevent straining in your neck or back, which can lead to further injuries, you should...
Use proper posture
This is the most frequently injured part of the body in school accidents, making up 28-74% of injuries (depending on age/grade).
Head / Neck
When using or being around easy to break or expensive equipment, you should not...
*This is mostly mentioned in lab classes
To ensure that you always know what's going on or what to do in certain situations, you should always make sure to...
Check your job's safety procedures regularly
In 2020, the median number of days a person spent away from work due to injury or illness was...
12 days