What type of a voice level should you always use in class? 

A normal to low voice level. If students are working on an activity then always speak quietly.


What type of a voice level should you use during quizzes and tests?

No voice level unless you are asking the teacher a question. No talking to other students during test and quizzes. 


When can you leave the classroom?

When the teacher gives you permission.


What is the procedure for leaving the classroom?

1. Ask permission 2. Fill out an E-hall pass request 3. Close the door behind you 4. Re-enter quickly and quietly


When can you go into the supply cabinet?

When the teacher gives you permission


What is the procedure for getting ready to take a test?

1. Clear your desk 2. Take out your Chromebook 3. Raise your hand to ask any last minute questions 4. Sit quietly until test passwords are given out


What is the procedure for entering the classroom?

1. Wait until the previous class leaves before entering the class 2. Come in and take your seat 3. Get out materials (Chromebook, pencil, etc.) 4. Begin working on bellringer 5. When you finish wait quietly until everyone is done


Are students allowed to leave the cafeteria with energy drinks, loaded tea, coffee, etc., or food?

No. These items are not allowed in the classroom.


 If a student is absent when an assessment is given, they have _______ days to make up the assessment before the grade becomes a zero.

3 days


Are you allowed the remove your safety goggles during lab? 

Absolutely not. If you are caught without proper PPE you will be dismissed from the lab. 


Are you allowed to have airpods at any point during the day? 

Yes, in the mornings between 7:10-7:35


Are you allowed to eat and drink in the science classroom? 


Unless bad weather prevents you from have break outside and we have to break inside the classroom. 


Are you allowed to get up and sharpen your pencil during class? 

Not unless you have receive permission from the teacher. 

What are the Science test days? 

Tuesday and Thursday


Is it appropriate to touch your classmates at all during class? 

Ex. On your way to sharpen your pencil you hit johnny on the head as a joke. 

Absolutely not. 


It is okay for you to be up and walking around the classroom as long as the tardy bell has not rang. 

False: When you enter the classroom you are to sit down and begin working on the bell ringer. 


When the bell rings you are free to leave class. 

False: I release you, not the bell. 


What are we studying the second semester? 



How often are you allowed to retest in Science? 

Once per quarter. (4 total for the year)


If you choose to retest, how is your new grade calculated? 

The first attempt and the second attempt are averaged together. 


Describe the qualifications that must be met in order to restest.

Make below a 70 on a test only. Does not apply to quizzes or assignments. 


What is the consequence if the teacher hears you reference something inappropriate in class?

We will call mom or dad and you will repeat what you said to them over the phone


What is the consequence if you are disruptive in class?

The first time, you will receive a warning. The second time, you will receive a discipline referral. The third time I will email or call home to mom/dad.


What happens if you are absent and miss work?

You are responsible to find out what you missed and make that work up within 3 days from the day you returned. 


What is the cell phone violation consequence? 

First Offense = Warning; Second Offense= OCS