The voice level we are at during attendance.
What is zero?
The attention getter most of the time
Class Class Yes Yes
(Class Oh Class, Yes Oh Yes)
(All eyes on me, all eyes on you)
Work Hard
What is "Be your best?"
The right side of the hallway or stairwell.
What is the lane your are supposed to walk in?
When you get two infractions in a class period, this is the consequence?
An office referral
The name of the assignment we are supposed to be working on at the beginning of class.
What is the bell ringer?
Where you can find the materials needed for the day.
What is the white board.
Speak Kindly
What is "Be respectful?"
When you should walk in the middle of the hallway.
What is where you should only walk when you need to get into a classroom?
The 4th Promise in the Chromebook Contract.
What is, "I promise to only use the chromebook that I've signed out?"
Where you should be when the bell signals the end of class.
Only one person is allowed here at a time.
What is the pencil sharpener?
Bring all materials
What is "Be Responsible?"
Voice level you are supposed to be at on the way to and from lunch.
What is level zero?
The 3rd rule in the Chromebook Contract.
The third step of the 5 Beginning the Classroom Procedures.
What is "Get out the necessary supplies?"
Where the computers go at the end of most classes (other than 8th)?
What is the middle of the desk.
Following teacher directions.
What is "Be Respectful?"
The number of restroom passes you have per day.
What is "2 with one for emergencies?"
The voice level for independent work.
What is one?
The last step of our 5 Entering Classroom Procedures.
What is "Complete Bell Ringer if Applicable"
The person responsible for picking up after you.
I am.
Turning in your work on time.
What is "Being Responsible?"
The consequence for 2nd infraction in a teacher's class for the trimester?
What is an after school detention?
1. Give hand signal
2. Wait for teacher to tell you to put in pass if you have a Chromebook/Wait for teacher to put in pass without Chromebooks.