This person makes sure all pencils are returned at the end of class.
Supply Manager
What is the attention signal?
The Door Bell
Work Hard
What is "Be your best?"
How many infractions do you get as a warning without getting after school detention?
2 infractions
When you get two infractions in a class period, this is the consequence?
An office referral
This person ensures that Chromebooks are plugged in and in the correct slot at the end of every class.
Technology Assistant
Where you can find the materials needed for the day.
On the whiteboard.
Speak Kindly
What is "Be respectful?"
What is the consequence for your 5th infraction?
2 Days of after school detention and parent contact.
When are you allowed to use your cellphone?
Morning Holding (not breakfast), Lunch, and Afternoon Holding
This person is responsible for taking attendance every day.
Teaching Assistant
How many people are allowed at the pencil sharpener at a time?
Bring all materials
What is "Be Responsible?"
What is the consequence for your 3rd and 4th infraction?
1 day of after school detention and parent contact.
True or False? Only clear bottles with plain water will be allowed in classrooms this school year.
This person checks off that you did your bell ringer every day.
Classwork Monitor
Where the computers go at the end of class?
Back in the Chromebook Cart, plugged up.
Following teacher directions.
What is "Be Respectful?"
What is the consequence for a 6th infraction?
In School Detention (ICE for one period) and parent contact.
The voice level for independent work.
What is one?
This person helps the teacher give students their seats whenever the seating chart changes.
Classroom Greeter
The person responsible for picking up after you.
I am.
Turning in your work on time.
What is "Being Responsible?"
What is the consequence for your 7th infraction?
Office Referral/ICE or Friday School.
What are the BEARS Expectations?
Be Prepared
Earn Respect
Act Responsibly
Reflect a Positive Attitude
Show Cooperation