Henry Clays American System had plenty of influence upon transportation and travel including things like construction of ___, ____, and ___.
Roads, Canals, Railroads.
The _____ _____ was a target in Clays American System to provide a stable ______ source, to manage both national and state finances.
National, Bank, Currency.
Clays American System enforced a ____ protective ____ to improve the nation financially.
high, tariff
Lead to the ___ war. The American system had contributed to the division of the North and South. It was seen to unfairly benefit the North while hurting the South through things like taxes, and enforced laws.
Civil War
Clays American system focused on ____ and _____ growth. Investment in roads, canals and later on ____ to connect regions were included. He believed that as the _____ improved things like trade and the traveling of goods and resources would improve aswell.
Transportation, Construction, Railroads, transportation.
One of his main focuses was the development of roads and believed that well ______/maintained ___ were crucial for more efficient movement of ____ and people.
Constructed, roads, goods.
The National Bank was established in ___ and also is known as the second bank of the United States, focusing on stabilizing ____.
1816, currency.
The Tariff of __ was the first protective tariff in the U.S and contributed to the ___ of the ___ and ____. The South felt as if products were too expensive aswell that the North and congress were careless towards their worries.
1816, division, South, North.
The American System could have lead to too much ____ over the states, leaving the states with no ____.
Power, Individual power.
Clays American system promoted national ___ through unifying people of different ____, _____ and cultures.
unity, races, ethnicites.
Clays transportation propositions led to the construction of _____ Road which connected _____ River to ____ River, Maryland to Ohio. This was a very important link between the Midwest and the East Coast.
Lumberland, Potomac, Ohio
The National Bank would also further control problems like ______ and gather the proper credit for ____ and ______.
Inflation, businesses, citizens.
Henry Clay imposed higher taxes on _____ goods to make ____ products more expensive so consumers would buy more _______ items. This was seen to help support American ________ and create more jobs.
Imported, foreign, domesticated, Manufacturers.
Clays American System ____ the region ____ as all parties had different ___ towards economical growth.
Divided, Politically, Opinions.
Promoted strong _____ growth through the _____ _____ funding towards transportation and resources.
economic, national banks
Clay believed as the improvement of transportation was enforced, it would ______ relationships within ____ and promote ___ with goods and people.
Strengthen, States, trade
The National Bank also played a tremendous role in _____ the upcoming ______ projects and _____ development.
Funding, Infrastructure, Transportation.
Clay wanted to protect ____ businesses from _____ competition and encourage his self-______ America, not solely depending on foreign countries for goods.
Local, Foreign, sufficient.
The American System took a ___ period of time to __ leading many to believe it wouldn't make a ____ impact on the region and its growth.
Long, grow, beneficial.
Clays American System heavily promoted the ____ style industry and ____ business opportunities through things like factory work.
American, Economic
Henry Clay also thought that ______ improvements would help the U.S compete with other nations at the time at an ______ standpoint.
transportation, economical.
The National Bank kept role of things like how the government pays out ____ and ____, this was _____ to the country through any tough times by having a ____ organization/source of finances.
Taxes, Debts, Beneficial, Dependent,
Henry Clay also endorsed nation wide tariffs so the ______ could have another source of income. These tariffs were meant to _______ _______ for things like ____, roadways, and projects.
Government, Generate, Revenue, Canals.
Funding for _______ needed investment from the _________. This made citizens and viewers feel this was an ______ use of the money.
Infrastructure projects, federal government, unbeneficial.
The system Created more __ opportunities within the _____ and ____ industries.
Job, Manufacturing, Construction