Name That Use of the Subjunctive
Find the participle, ID the type, and translate the phrase.
What is adductus, PPP, and having been lead on by hope of a reward?
multos continuos dies eos persecutus Dumnorigem occidi.
What is persecutus PfAP and having pursued them for many continuous days?
Salvius, ubi haec audivit, arrogantia Belimici incensus, iram tamen celavit et comiter respondit.
What is incensus, PPP, and having been angered by the arrogance of Belimicus?
Belimicus, veneno excruciatus, pugionem tame in Salvium coniecit, spe ultionis adductus.
What are excruciatus, PPP; adductus, PPP; and having been tormented by the poison and having been led on by hope of revenge?
nunc tibi abeundum est in regum tuum.
What is abeundum, gerundive, and you must depart?