Est redemptor notissimus
Quis est Haterius?
The name of the italicized construction:
inimico viso, senator statim discessit.
What is an ablative absolute?
This is the name for the common people of Rome
What is 'plebs'?
'Panis' is usually made from this.
What is 'frumentum'?
In Latin this might be 'scelesta'
What is 'Wicked'?
Est philosopha Graeca.
Quis est Euphrosyne?
This type of construction is introduced by 'ne' (2 possibilities)
What is an indirect command or a negative purpose clause?
A wealthy class of citizens just below the senatorial class.
What are 'equites' or equestrians?
An 'hora' is a unit of this.
What is 'tempus'?
In Latin this film might be called 'omnino ignotus'?
What is 'a complete unknown'?
Est vir obesus, vultu superbo, oculis malignis.
Quis est praeco?
This is the accusative singular of 'dux'
What is ducem?
The Latin word for a handout of some sort (food, money, etc.)
What is a 'sportula'?
This is an antonym of 'modestus'
What is 'superbus'?
This sci-fi classic might be called 'anno bismillesimo uno''
What is '2001: a space odyssey'?
Est arbiter elegantiae.
Quis est Eryllus?
This is the ablative singular of 'vultus'
What is 'vultu'?
The Latin word for tenement houses or apartment buildings.
What are 'insulae'?
The Latin antonym of 'diversus'
What is 'idem'?
In Latin this popular movie might have been called 'eques obscurus surgit'.
What is 'the Dark Knight rises'?
Est libertus Haterii, qui Athenis habitat.
Quis est Chrysogonus?
This is the 3rd principal part of 'veho'.
What is 'vexi'?
This is the Latin word for 'dock workers'
What is a 'saccarii'?
This is an antonym of 'post'.
What is 'ante'?
In Latin this classic film might be called 'cantans sub pluvia
What is 'Singin' in the rain'?