New Rule's New Rules
Odds and Ends
History Lessons
A Feather in Your CAP

A residential tenant can now be reimbursed for costs up to $1,000 for application fees or credit reports required for this.

What is to lease their replacement dwelling?


The Uniform Act applies whenever  ________ dollars are utilized in any phase of a project.

What is Federal dollars?


The 5th Amendment of _______ states that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.

What is the U. S. Constitution?


While _______s have historically been adjusted by statute, Section 24.11 of the final rule implements MAP-21 authority for the Lead Agency (FHWA) to adust them on a more timely basis when neccesary to meet the policy objectives of the Uniform Act.

What are URA payment CAPS? 


A business is now eligible for a one-time undocumented payment up to $1,000 for these kinds expenses as an alternative to the traditional Site Search payment requiring documentation.

What are expenses incurred searching for a replacement location? 


The Uniform Act addresses four main disciplines - Acquisition, Appraisal, Appraisal Review, and _______.

What is Relocation?


   In 1989, at the direction of Congress, the URA's implementing regulations were issued by FHWA as 49 CFR part __. 

What is part 24?


This residential payment cap was raised from $7,200 to $9,570.

What is the Replacement Housing Payment for 90-Day tenants at Section 24.402(b)


While this move payment option was expressly prohibited prior to 2024 , the final rule now allows a residential move payment based on the lower of two ________ ______s. 

What are two commercial bids? 


The Final Rule became effective on this date.  

What June 3, 2024? 


The Uniform Act law was most recently amended in 2012 by this Act which increased certain statutory relocation payment maximums.  

What is MAP-21? 


This residential payment cap was raised from $31,000 to $41,000.

What is Replacement housing payment for 90-day homewoner occupants under Section 24.401?


This person may now develop a move cost finding (not to exceed $5000 for the cost of a small uncomplicated nonresidential personal property move. 

Who is a qualified Agency staff person? 


The Final Rule was first published on this date.  

What is May 3, 2024?


The most recent revision to the Uniform Act regulation was published in the federal register as the final rule to 49 CFR Part 24 and became effective on June 4 of this year.

What is 2024?


This non-residential move payment cap was raised from $25,000 to $33,200.

What is the  Reestablishment payment under Section 24.304?


Costs for cosmetic alterations or improvements to replacement dwellings, and costs for constructing, reconstructing or rehabilitating a building as a new business location are additions to these existing payment categories. 

What are ineligible moving and reestablishment costs? 


The 2024 final rule marks the ____  time the URA regulations have been updated since their inception in 1989. 

What is the 2nd time?  (2005 and 2024.)


This is the number of years URA practitioners have been waiting for the government to issue a new final rule formally implementing MAP-21. 


What is 10 years?  (MAP-21 changes became effective in 2014.) 


This non-residential "move" payment cap was raised from $40,000 to $53,200.

What is the Fixed payment in lieu (of all other moving payments) at Section 24.305?