Scenarios / Defects
Canned Replies
Defect Detective
Feedback/Complaint Handling

How many times are you required to state the customers first name in chat? 



Sparking Water chats in and they verify their actual first and last name, SSN, and DOB. However, the last digit in the social is wrong.  

what would we verify next?

- MMN 


What canned response do we send for this inquiry: 

"I applied with the promotion to get cashback when I opened a new account and do not see the bonus? 

DEP- CBB/promotion> No Promo previous account


Current Date: 10/30/2024 

Customer: Tom Smith
CBD: $128.50 Opened 10/20/24
OSA: $555.00 Opened 8/31/2020  

Tom calls in because he needs to help making an internal transfer. Agent offers self-service steps, but Tom prefers the agent takes care of it. So, agent second levels using XID and initiates the transfer. 

What is the defect?

Agent should of OOB vs XID since CBD is not older than 60 days 

Authentication and Verification Deposits Procedure


Unfair, Mislead, False advertising, and tricked are all word examples of what type of compliant? 


Feedback/Complaint Enterprise Procedure


What options can we provide for a customer who chats to us via Apple Business Chat?

Call in for Assistance 

Log into the account center for messaging.


Tommy has 3 numbers on file. We send the oob code to one number and read the oob disclosure. He decides he wants a phone call to one of the other numbers. We send the call without providing the disclosure again. 

Is that correct? 

No. It was a new number and need to read the disclosure again. 



What canned response do we send for this inquiry:

"For my birthday I got $500 cash and want to put it in my saving account" 

DEP- OSA > Add Cash Feature Not Available OSA / CD


What are the ONLY TMX denies that are transferred to BFU?

TMX External Account Provisioning
TMX Deny Zelle 

Account Center Access Deposits/BFU/Retail Branch Procedure


You won't help me with my online account because you don't think I can handle it because I'm old.  

What would you classify this complaint under? 


Feedback/Complaint Enterprise Procedure


What is the timeframe for responding to customers via chat? 

Two Minutes 

Messaging/Chat DPL & DP Procedure > Guidelines > Hold 


Princess Ariel has sent us a chat to add her daughter Melody as a JO on the account. Ariel would like to understand why adding Melody is taking so long since she initially tried to add her a few months ago. 

Agent see's we need documents from Melody to verify her identity. 

Agent states, "thank you for this information, I will submit feedback on your behalf about the wait and current process of adding a JO owner, with that for us to move forward with her application we will need Melody to upload a picture of her driver's license" Ariel then states she will message via secure message once documents have been uploaded. 

What is the Defect? 

Agent needs to advise that we need BOTH front and back of Drivers license


What canned response do we send for this inquiry: 

"Venmo is not allowing me to add my checking account! I know there is no money in it right now, but I want it ready for when I get paid tomorrow"

DEP- Zelle/Mobile Wallets > CashApp – Venmo - Decline Not Allowing Add Due to $0 balance with Deposit Options


How many cash deposits can a customer make per 24-hour period?

4 Deposits 

Deposit Product Job Aid


When working chat and you submit a complaint for the customer what else are you required to include in your complaint? 

Chat ID (conversation ID) 

Complaint Enterprise Procedure > Tracking Complaint Handling > Step 2 > Messaging ID


When working chat what is required to be included in the Notations along with the detailed reasons for the interaction? 

Chat ID  

Messaging/Chat DPL & DP Procedure > Guidelines> Notations 


A Customer, CBD opened 1/7/2020

A Customer: hi I need your help to send me my latest account statement to the address below
1100 Address Rd City, ST 00000

Agent: Hello! Thank you for messaging Discover Bank. My name is *Agent* in Phoenix. I would be happy to help with your statement request!

A Customer: thank you

Agent: I will request a mailed copy of your September statement to be sent to that address. Please allow 5-7 business days to receive.

A Customer: thanks again, that was everything

Agent: Perfect, thank you for your continued business with us and for using our chat service today! I hope you have a great rest of your day!

What was the defect? Procedure?

Agent should have provided the customer with instructions on how to access their statements online. - Outbound Correspondence Deposits/Retail Branch Procedure


What canned response do we send for this inquiry:

"My Personal Loan"

(Note: DPL is CLOSED) 

DEP- Contact Us/ Etiquette >Call DPL Existing Loan closed in chat


What does Percolation do? 

Percolation allows customer activity/contact in one account to count as activity/contact in all accounts  

Updating and Correcting LDOC Deposits/BFU/Retail Branch Procedure


True or False: 

We longer have to determine a difference between feedback and complaint as well as no longer needing to determine differences between UDAAP, discrimination etc. 


We no longer have to determine the difference between feedback and complaints. However, agents are still required to mark their complaints as wither UDAAP or discrimination etc. when applicable 


What do we enter the customer email address when sending a outbound eGain

 B(CIFID)_(last 4 of applicable account number)@securebankmail.dfi 

Secure Message Center eGain Deposits Procedure


Cat Woman wants to fund to her account using her TD Bank External Account, knowing this bank is on the TMX Deny List will she be able to still fund the account by using TB Bank

YES, because ah that link an external bank account within the origination process will not be subject to a TMX Check 


What canned response do we send for this inquiry: 

"What will the rate for my Money Market account be?"

DEP- MM > General Rate Inquiry


What information is needed to complete a non-customer, non-solicitation request?

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email 

Profile Information Updates Deposits/BFU/Retail Branch Procedure


Who do you email if the Feedback/Complaint Tracker does not work/is down? 


Feedback/Compliant Enterprise Procedure > Downtime Handling