Group Rules
First Assignment
Second Assignment
Third, fourth and fifth assignments

TRUE OR FALSE: You can leave group if you are struggling to sit still.

FALSE: Do not be late to group or leave the group while it is in session.

What is the first assignment given to the clients by their counselor?

Disease Concept


What are the first and second part of the second assignment?

First: Lifeline

Second: Goodbye letter

What are clients identifying in the third assignment?

Powerlessness and unmanageability. 


It is suggested that when speaking in group, you start with phrases such as:

"I think..." or "I feel" - Using "I" statements.

Addiction is a disease, not a 



TRUE OR FALSE: Clients are instructed to read page 46 of the client handbook and to write bullet points on 10 -year increments of their life. 

FALSE: Clients are instructed to read page 46 of the client handbook and to write bullet points on 5-year increments of their life.


Name an element of either assignment 4 or 5

List insane behaviors, identify what they consider sanity is, making a decision, understanding what self-will is, turning it over, identifying qualities of higher power.


Name three things not allowed in group.

Eating, drinking (other than water), sleeping, chewing gum, vaping/smoking


What pages is the first assignment on in the handbook?



What are two other things that the clients are saying "Goodbye" to in their letter besides their drug of choice?

Old behaviors, places that are triggering, old friends, jobs, careers, and stressors that trigger them. 

What are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps VERBATIM?

Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable. 

Step 2: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him.