Name That Drug
Famous Addicts
Cliffside Trivia
Fill In The Blanks
Nothing To Do With Recovery!

Street name for Phencyclidine or PCP?

What is Angel Dust?

Used for its mind-altering effects, may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sound, and violent behavior. As a recreational drug, it is typically smoked, but may be taken by mouth, snorted, or injected.


The Baywatch Boozer

Who is David Hasselhoff?


Cliffside Malibu is located in this city?

What is Malibu?


One ____ ____ ____ Time

What is "Day At A"?


The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in our solar system.

What is Saturn?


Seizures from withdrawal are most common from these two drugs

What are alcohol and benzodiazepines?


Famous actress known for standing over the top of a grate, blowing her dress up in the air. She died of an overdose of sleeping pills.

Who is Marilyn Monroe?


We use the ____ ____ ____ Model as the foundation for our psychologically based treatment.

What is Stages of Change?


"____ ____ Back"

What is "Keep Coming"?


According to Mr. Owl, it takes this many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Lollipop.

What is "3"?

But actually, a group of engineering students from Purdue University reported that its licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.


Powerful synthetic opioid that is similar to morphine but is 10,000 times more potent.

What is Carfentanil?


This alcoholic First Lady was married to the 38th President

Who is Betty Ford?


Cliffside uses lots of initials... IOP, PHP, SLE, etc. What do these four abbreviations stand for?

What is Intensive Outpatient Program, Partial Hospitalization Program and Sober Living Environment?


"Hungry, ____, Lonely, ____"

What is Angry, Tired?


It's called Covid 19 because

a) 19 bats were found to be the original carriers of the virus

b) The first reported case was in 2019

c) There are 19 known Covid viruses, including MERS and SARS

What is b)?

The first reported case was in 2019


Heroin is an Opioid. Benzos are Sedative Hypnotics. Glue, gasoline and butyl nitrite are_____________ 

What are Inhalants?

Inhaling nitrites can dilate blood vessels, increase the heart rate, and produce a sensation of heat and excitement that may last for several minutes. Since the early 1960s, nitrite inhalants have been used by individuals to enhance sexual activities or to get high.


He dug himself into a lot of "HOLES"

Who is Shia LaBeouf?


Name the 5 Stages of Change taught at Cliffside.

What are Pre Contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance?


"It works if ___ ___ ___"

What is "You, Work, It"


Name 2 of the 3 states where Yellowstone National Park is located.

What are Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming?

One percent of the Yellowstone is located in Idaho, three percent is located in Montana, and ninety-six percent is located in the state of Wyoming.


Drug that was thought to be a cure for Morphine addiction at the turn of the 19th Century.

What is Heroin?

Also considered a cure for alcoholism at the time.


5 artists who were part of the tragic "27 Club":

Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison


Cliffside's parent company

What is Discovery Behavioral Health


"___ can't keep ___ unless ___ give ___ ___" 

What is "You, it, You, It, Away"?



This is President Joseph Biden's middle name!

What is Robinette?