Climate I
Climate II
Climate III
Climate IV
Climate V

The global variable that has the strongest effect on climate.

What is latitude.


The temperature in city B is highest in January and lowest in July because city B is located

What is the southern hemisphere.

Constant movement of ocean water.
What is current.

What season does city 2 experience the highest average precipitation? 

What is summer.


An increase in which gas would cause the most greenhouse warming of Earth's atmosphere?

What is carbon dioxide.

Two variables that are important in determining climate.
What is temperature and rainfall (precipitation).
Climate with warm summers and cool/cold winters.
What is temperate climate.

As air moves up the windward side of the mountain the air

What is expands and cools.

Weather condition in which the cold ocean current moves closer to the surface and the air pressure in the eastern Pacific Ocean increases.
What is La Nina.

What is the reason increasing carbon dioxide is considered an environmental pollutant?

What is it is produced by humans.


Compared to the windward side of the mountain, the leeward side of a mountain is.

What is warmer and less humid.

Burning _________________ increases the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - a factor in global warming.
What is fossil fuels.
The air that moves down the ___________ side of the mountain is dry and hot.
What is leeward.

What city is most likely located closer to the equator?

What is City 1


What is a nearly pollution free source of energy?

What is solar energy.


As elevation increases, atmospheric pressure will...

What is decrease.


What is the best explanation for these two statements?

Some mountains located near the Equator have snow-covered peaks

Icecaps exist at the poles

What is high elevation and high latitude have a similar effect on climate.


New York City and St. Louis are at the same latitude.  Why does St. Louis experience a greater temperature compared to NYC?

What is St. Louis is farther from the ocean coast.


Weather station 1 is located at sea level and has a temp of 23 degrees.  Weather station 9 is located at 1,600 m above sea level and has a temperature of 8 degrees.  What is the major reason for their difference in temperature?

What is elevation above sea level.


Why are carbon dioxide and water vapor called greenhouse gases?

They are good absorbers of radiation.

Climate with short, warm summers and long, cold winters.
What is polar climate.

What are the 2 major gases scientists believe are contributing to global warming?

What is carbon dioxide and methane.

The higher a place is above sea level, the cooler the climate.
What is alltitude.

Why does a greenhouse stay warm on a winter day?

What is greenhouses traps infrared radiation.


Compared to the climate of location A, location B would be?

What is warmer and less humid