Climate Change
Climate Careers
Making a Change

These invisible gases trap heat in the atmosphere and are responsible for the Earth's greenhouse effect.

What are greenhouse gases?


Professionals focused on designing buildings and spaces with minimal environmental impact, incorporating sustainable materials and energy efficiency.

What is a green architect or sustainable architect?


The use of advanced materials and technologies to create clothing that reduces environmental impact and promotes sustainability.

What is sustainable fashion or eco-friendly fashion?


This term describes a long-term shift or alteration in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, typically measured over decades or longer.

What is climate change?


Scientists who study the Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and climate.

What are meteorologists or climatologists?


Using this mode of transportation instead of driving alone in a car reduces traffic congestion, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and can improve urban air quality.

What is public transportation, biking, or carpooling?


An environmental condition marked by a significant reduction in water availability in a particular region, often as a result of overuse and climate change.

What is drought?


Experts in the development of alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

What are renewable energy engineers?


Engaging with this type of legislation by voting or advocating for it can help ensure that governments take action on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

What are climate policies or environmental laws?


Planting trees is a natural way of combating climate change because trees absorb this gas from the atmosphere.

What is carbon dioxide (CO2)?


Experts in this legal field specialize in laws and policies related to environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and sustainability practices.

What are environmental lawyers or climate policy lawyers?


The practice of reducing waste by minimizing the use of disposable items and opting for reusable products.

What is zero waste living?


This type of energy comes from natural sources that are constantly replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water.

What is renewable energy?


Specialists who work on creating and implementing educational programs to increase awareness and understanding of climate change, aiming to inspire action and adaptation among various audiences.

What are climate change educators or communicators?


A method of growing crops and raising livestock that aims to achieve a balance with the environment, involving minimal chemical use and promoting soil health and water conservation.

What is sustainable agriculture or organic farming?