What is a usually brief, have storm that consists of rain, strong winds, lightning and thunder?
What is a thunderstorm
Name the 5 factors of climate
What is latitiude, ocean currents, prevailing winds, mountains, large bodies of water
Name the three climate zones in the world?
What is tropical, temperate, and polar
What is the main difference between climate and weather?
What is the lenth of time
What factor affects the climate of an area by the amount of moisture they carry to that area?
What is prevailing winds
what is the sound caused by the rapid expansion of air along an electrical strike
What is thunder
Which climate factor creates a wet side biome and a dry side biome?
What is mountains
Which climate zone do we live in here in Florida?
What is termperate zone
Name the two items that climate and weather both focus on when determining forecast?
What is temperature and precipitation
What climate factor affects an area by increasing the temperature of the air over the water?
What is large bodies of water and ocean currents
what is a destructive, rotating column of air that has very high wind speeds, is visible as a funnel-shaped cloud, and touches the ground?
What is tornado
HIGHER Elevation usually cause the temperateture to do what?
What is get colder
Which climate zone typically has very harsh winters and very cold climates?
What is polar
In weather, what is the amount of water vapor in the air called?
What is humidity
Which climate feature affects climate by causing air to rise?
What is mountains
what is a severe storm that develops over tropical oceans and whose strong winds pf more than 120 km/h spiral in toward intensely low pressure storm center?
What is hurricane
Why is the climate warmer at the equator?
What is more solar energy is absorbed
What climate zone has moderate winters and summers?
What is temperate
What type of front is created when a warm air front is caught between two cold air fronts?
What is occluded front
Which latitude would have a cooler summer 0degrees or 45 degrees?
What is 45 degrees
Name one place where you are most likely to find a hurricane and one place you are most likely to find a tornado?
What is hurricane the ocean
tornado at the bottom of a thunderstorm cloud
Prevailing winds that form over continents produce what kind of air? What type of climate might be found?
What is dry air; desert.
What climate zone is very hot and is found near the equator?
What is tropical
What front is created when cold air moves under the warm up pushing it up?