Climate Types
Cloud Formation
Extreme Weather

Describe a Polar Climate

A polar climate is a place where the climate usually has a temperature below freezing, is icy, and is covered with snow most of the time. This is because polar climates don't get direct sunlight like other parts of the Earth. Polar climates are usually dry and don't get much rain. Animals that live here have thick fur or blubber to protect them from the year round cold temperatures. 


Where is the water before it forms a cloud? 

Water that forms clouds starts on the ground in rivers, lakes, and oceans. 

Describe a cumulus cloud.

Cumulus clouds are fluffy and small to medium sized - they can be out when the weather is nice. 


If you met someone from another country, what questions could you ask to figure out what climate he or she is from?

What is the temperature like? How does it change with the seasons? Is the air dry or humid? How often does it rain? What do the plants and animals look like? What part of the world are you from? 


What do hurricanes, tornadoes and dust storms have in common?

They are all natural hazards with strong winds. They can be dangerous for people living in places where they happen. 


Describe a Tropical Climate.

Tropical climates are warm or hot throughout the year. The temperatures do not change greatly, but winds and rain bring different types of weather. Most tropical places experience wet and dry seasons. Areas closest to the Equator are the wettest.


How does the water form a cloud? 

Water evaporates from the ground into its gas state and then when it gets high enough and cools down it turns back into small water droplets. 


Describe a stratus cloud.

Stratus clouds cover the whole sky making it look gray. 


Chantal loves warm weather and enjoys hiking in lush, green forests. What climate or climates would you suggest she visit for vacation?

She should travel to an area with a tropical or mild climate.  These climates have warm weather and lots of plant life. Tropical climates have the most lush forests and are warm year-round but often rain a lot. 


How are hurricanes, tornadoes and dust storms different? 

Hurricanes start over the ocean, whereas tornadoes and dust storms happen over land. (Alt answer: They happen in different places - hurricanes and tornadoes have rain but dust storms don't)


Describe a Desert Climate. 

A desert climate is a dry climate that receives very little rainfall and has high evaporation rates. It is usually sandy or rocky with few plants. Animals that live here are often nocturnal (awake at night) and have light colored hair/fur/skin and large ears. Their ears help them radiate more heat from their body and those like elephants can use them as fans! 

Puddles on the sidewalk shrink and disappear, what happens to the water?

The liquid from the puddle slowly evaporates into gas over time.  As the amount of water decreases the puddle shrinks. 


What are the two most common types of storm clouds?

Cumulonimbus and Stratonimbus.

Why is it so much hotter near the equator than at the poles?

At the equator the suns rays hit Earth straight on and at the poles it is at a slant so the energy from the sun is more spread out. 


When you built your paper house what problem were you trying to solve? 

The windstorm was going to blow away my house.  It wasn't attached to the ground and my roof wasn't attached. 


Describe a mild climate. 

A mild climate is weather that is not too hot, cold, humid, or rainy, and is often described as pleasant.


What color are clouds? Why are they that color?

Clouds are white, they appear white because they are made of tiny liquid water drops.  They look white just like water from a sprinkler or water fall or wave. 


Denai says that clouds covering the whole sky means it's going to rain. What do you think? 

No, some clouds cover the whole sky but don't produce rain.  Also some clouds produce rain but don't cover the whole sky. It depends on the type of cloud.


Where on Earth would you have cold winter AND a cold summer? 

Either of the poles of the Earth. 


How did you test your design?

We blew our windmaker at our houses to see if they blew away.


Describe a temperate climate.

A temperate climate is a climate zone with moderate weather, where temperatures and precipitation don't have extreme ranges but there are distinct seasons - cold winter, hot summer, fall leaves and spring time rain and new plants.  The animals that live in this area may hibernate for the winter. 


What does it mean when a cloud appears darker like grey or black? 

That indicates that it is a storm cloud and it will rain. This would be a cumulonimbus or stratonimbus cloud. 

Why do stratonimbus storms usually last all day long but culumonimbus storms only last  a short time?

Culumonimbus clouds are not very wide, they cause a storm under them but when the wind blows them, the storm moves to a different location. Status clouds cover the whole sky so they they are moved by the wind they take a long time to pass. 


What is the difference between climate and weather? 

Weather is a specific event—like a rainstorm or hot day—that happens over a few hours, days or weeks. Climate is the average weather conditions in a place over 30 years or more.


Engineers are always working to improve their designs. How could you improve your design? What else could you try?

Add more tape, use stronger materials, etc.