What is evaporation?
The backbone of all life on Earth
What is carbon?
A long term change in Earth's average temperature
What is climate change?
What is global warming?
What is solar energy?
The name given to the variety of life on Earth
What is biodiversity?
Water vapour cooling to form clouds
What is condensation?
The process of plants eating sunlight
What is photosynthesis?
CO2, Methane, nitrous oxide all trap gasses in the atmosphere are known as this
What are greenhouse gasses?
Energy harnessed from the natural energy of air
What is wind power?
Living organisms and their environment interacting together
What is an ecosystem?
What is Stomata?
The greenhouse gas released when fossil fuels are burned
What is carbon dioxide?
When these melt due to higher temperatures, sea levels rise
What are glaciers?
(Note: iceberg not accepted)
Power generated by the flow of water
What is hydroelectric energy?
Bees and butterfly's help plants reproduce. What are they?
What are pollinators?
Rain, snow, sleet, hail are all products of this
What is precipitation?
The long term storage of carbon dioxide by trees, soil, and oceans
What is carbon SEQUESTRATION?
OR : What is carbon drawdown?
Changing weather patterns cause more of this event
What are 'extreme weather events'
(Accept any of 'hurricane, cyclone, heat wave, cold front')
Fuel made from organic materials
What is biofuel? (Also accept Biomass)
The animal which is prey to no other animal
What is an apex predator?
Water soaking into the ground
What is infiltration?
The process by which the carbon in organic matter is transformed into fossil fuels
What is fossilisation?
The international agreement, adopted in 2015, to limit global warming below 2 degrees celcius.
What is 'The Paris Agreement'?
What are 'The Paris Climate Accords'?
Energy generated from the Earth's internal heat
What is geothermal energy?
Animals at risk of extinction are given this label
What is 'endangered'?