Safety Protocols
Classroom Climate

What happens if you don't place your name on your belongings in the staff fridge?

What is.... they get thrown away


If you have 3 two year old's and 4 one year old's how many teachers should there be?

what is.... 2 teachers

What should you do if you have a child disrupting the majority of the class and you have exhausted all reward and positive re-enforcment charts?

what is... call the front and ask for assistance


A child is running on the playground and falls down scraping their knee. What should you do?

what is... wash cut, apply band aid, offer ice, and write boo boo note for parent to sign at pick up.



A small group activity should consist of how many children?

what is.... 3-5


You are scheduled to be at work at 9am. What time should you pull into the parking lot?

what is.... 8:55am or sooner

You should be clocked in and ready for work at your scheduled time. This means if you have a child you need to account for the time it takes to drop them off in class.


My ratio is 1-20 what age do I teach?

what is.... 4 year olds


You are singing your third song at circle time and notice the children beginning to fight over the scarves, what should you do?

what is..... change the activity and redirect the behavior


What is considered a temperature?

what is... 100.4


Our ****** effects the tone and mood of the classroom.

what is... energy


Jill and Candice are mid conversation and you need help making copies. What should you do?

what is... wait until they are finished talking and do not interrupt 


What is a school-age ratio?

what is.... 1 to 25


Misbehavior is a sign of what?

what is... boredom


True or False

Making copies for an activity the day of the activity is acceptable?

what is.... false

this effects the flow of your class schedule and direct supervision of the children


What should children be learning in a whole group activity?

what is.... social emotional skills such as taking turns, sharing, and controlling impulses


Where should your phone be when you are clocked in?

what is.... with your belongings in a locked closet


There are 15 kids in the café during closing, 9 are 3 years old, 5 are 2 years old and 1 is turning 2 next week. How many teachers should be in the café?

What is..... 3 teachers


True or False

It is acceptable to put on a video for the kids while you set out the naptime mats.

what is.... False

You MUST be engaged with them and it MUST be educational based


What two times of the day do most behaviors and accidents occur?

what is .... outside time and transitions


Passive Listening should long

what is... one-minute times the age of the child


What should be done before coming inside from the playground with your class? (3 things)

what is... park the bikes, clean up the toys, make sure sidewalks are swept and tidy


How many teachers should there be in a room with?

7 infants

3 one year old

8 two year olds 

18 four year olds

what is.... 9 teachers


You and your co teacher are coming in from the playground and are coming up with different numbers, what should you do?

what is, one teacher keeps ratio amount of children inside while the other takes the rest of the kids back outside to recount. This way if a child was missed you are outside with them.


True or False

Playground time is just free play time for the kids.

what is... False 

There should be planned outside activities throughout the week where the teacher is engaged with their students

obstacle course, follow the leader, tag, simon says 


What is the appropriate length of time for body movements and/or verbal responses?

what is.... two-minutes times the age of the child