Grading & Evaluation

The person(s) responsible to ensure immunizations are updated annually

Who are students


Your attending is very informal and insists you call them by their first name. However, when you’re in the room with a patient, this is how you should address the attending.

What is Doctor


The department email that is used to contact the entire clinical education team

What is CPMRotations@westernu.edu


The clinical grade assigned when a student receives higher than 90% on an evaluation

 What is HONORS


The site/app that houses all of the students’ immunizations, onboarding paperwork, evaluations, etc.

What is Microsoft Teams


A device that could be both a helpful tool for clinic but can lead you to be seen as disinterested or distracted.

What is a cell phone.


An informal way of communicating via cell phone, which should never be utilized when emailing sites, staff, or attendings.

What is Text


The form that must be completed by students in order to receive their posted evaluation grade

What is the Evaluation of the Rotation Site


The mandatory workshop students attend in order to brush up on skills used during rotations

What is the Clinical Skills Workshop


Showing up to clinic early in your clinic attire/clean white coat and staying late to help the team are both ways to show what important trait.  

 What is professionalism.


There is a major accident that shuts down the freeway and you’re going to be late to clinic, even though you left early. Name the first two parties/people you should contact.

What are your rotation team and Clinical Ed/CPM Rotations.


The party responsible for following up on >30 days outstanding/missed evaluations.

Who are students


A required certification that teaches participants how to recognize the early warning signs of respiratory and cardiac arrest in individuals

What is ACLS – Advanced Cardiac Life Support


Discussing a patient within earshot of other patients or family members is a behavior considered this.

 What is unprofessional


You are on a five week externship and they notify you that you do not need to attend the last week. What needs to be submitted in order to receive approval from the Clinical Education team. 

What is a TOR


Who students should contact if they disagree with an evaluation grade.

Who are Clinical Education/CPM Rotations


A screening exam for tuberculosis which must be completed on an annual basis

QuantiFERON or TB Skin Test (both correct answers)


The use of this popular online format, while fun, must be kept free of unprofessional or confidential images.

What is social media


You haven’t received any information from your externship on where to report for your first day of rotation, so you decide to wing it – and miss the important orientation. Who could you have contacted for assistance.

 What is Clinical Education/CPM Rotations


The grade assigned when a student remediates a failed rotation.

What is Remediated Pass


er to start her first rotation on time. Since she missed orientation, which is only provided on Mondays, she misses an entire week. Her missed days are now considered this

What is unexcused


Tommy was excited to post a picture to Instagram from their day in clinic, but a patient’s personally protected information was visible, which clearly violates a confidentiality regulation

What is HIPAA


Mark is really upset about the evaluation grade he received from an externship he considered his top choice and fires off an indignant email to his friend, the Chief Resident, who then forwards to the Residency Director. The Residency Director then contacts CPM’s Dean, who is a good friend. This is an unintended consequence of the student’s unprofessional communication.

What is the opportunity to INTERVIEW or MATCH with that program (both correct)


Katrina misses several days of rotation without submitting a TOR. The site barely passes the student but notes on the evaluation the issue with missed days/lack of communication. Although she passes, CPM now considers the rotation as this.

What is Incomplete and/or Failed