Nursing Process
Grab Bag
Clinical Judgement

What is the first step in the nursing process?

What is assessment?


Which step in the nursing process is examination?

What is assessment?


What are the 6 functions of clinical judgement?

What is recognizing cues-(assessment), analyze cues-(analysis), prioritize hypotheses-(planning), generate solutions-(implementation), take action-(evaluation), evaluate outcomes-(did it help). 


An important ongoing part of education for a patient at risk for falls would be?

What is the use of the call bell?


If a patient is found with a pressure ulcer, the nurse should first?

What is, make sure the patient is positioned off the area at risk for impaired skin integrity?


What is the NCSBN acronym for the nursing process? 

What is A,A,P,I,E.

Assessment, Analyze, Plan, Implement, Evaluate?


When a patient has several nursing diagnoses, how would we prioritize them?

What is according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


Noticing, interpreting, responding, and reflecting combine what three models?

What are 

1. Tanners Clinical Judgement model,

2. Nursing Process (ADPIE), 

3. NCSBN Clinical Judgement model?


What type of nursing diagnosis takes highest priority?

What is Ineffective airway?


When the nurse is unsure how to perform an action, what should the nurse review?

What is, the facilities policy and procedures manual? 


What is the first step during the evaluation phase of the nursing process?

What is Reassessment?


What does a nursing care plan consist of?

What is Nursing orders with specific individualized interventions? 


What is the purpose of the admission assessment?

What is, to identify the patient's major problems and/or concerns?


What is the proper way to chart a patient's refusal of care?

What is, Patient refused to take medication; states "I am not sick", Doctor notified?


What is the proper way to correct an error made when writing a nursing note in a patient's chart?

What is, draw a single line through the error, write "error" or "mistaken entry" , and sign with date and time? 


A wife is providing you with information about her husband who is your patient, which type of information is this?

What is secondary subjective information.


What patient takes first priority: patient with chest pain or patient bleeding from three areas?

What is a patient with chest pain?


When performing nursing care, why do we use scientific problem-solving?

What is, to improve patient outcomes?


If a patient complains of a headache, this is called what kind of data?

What is subjective data?


How would we arrange a patients environment who is visually impaired  and at risk for falls?

What is, clear pathways?


How can objective data be verified?

What is examination? 


When a nurse checks outcomes of medication or treatments what is the nurse doing?

What is evaluating?


What are the 6 steps taken in the NCSBN Clinical Judgement Measurement Model?

What is, Recognize Cues, Analyze Cues, Prioritize Hypotheses, Generate solutions, take actions, and evaluate outcomes.


When caring for a patient with an IV, what tasks should the nurse perform every shift?

What is, check the order for the IV, assess the IV site, check all labels on the IV against the order, confirm flow rate? 


What are the 3 sections of a nursing diagnosis?

What is, problem, etiology, and symptom?