In the Media
All is Fair Game
What were they thinking?!

Most common media used in the microbiology lab. Three types of hemolysis can be seen easily on this plate. What media am I?

What is a sheep blood agar?


Can I get C. difficile testing on an 8 month old infant with diarrhea.

What is - no. As per lab policy, infants younger than 1yo are not tested for C. difficile due to potential colonization.

A ___________ culture contains only one identified species of microorganism.

What is a pure culture?


Your response to: Can I have a stool culture for my patient who has been in house for 5 days?

What is - No I will not approve your request because our lab policy indicates that stool specimens from patients who have been in house for more than 3 days are to be rejected.


This specimen type is NOT acceptable for Anaerobic culture

What are swabs ?


This is a selective media which suppresses growth of gram positive bacteria. Therefore this agar can be used for primary i.d. of gram-negative genera. Lactose -fermenting organisms (Esherichicia coli , Enterobacter, Klebsiella) produce acid from the lactose and grow as pinkish red colonies. What media am I?

What is the MacConkey agar?


These 2 specimen types are assessed for adequacy by Gram Stain, before being processed in the lab.

What are sputum and endotracheal aspirates?


What stain can we use for organisms that do not have a cell wall?

What is acridine orange stain?


Your response to either accepting or rejecting a CSF specimen that is not labelled.

My approval is dependent on a case by case basis. Is it an irreplaceable specimen? Can the ordering physician take ownership for the specimen?


Type of specimen to be collected for Giardia identification.

What is stool culture?


This enriched media has lysed red blood cells which, release many nutrients needed by fastidious organisms to grow. What media am I?

What is chocolate agar?


Aspergillus terreus, Fusarium solani and Scedosporium prolificans are all filamentous fungi that can be isolated from this media.

What are routine blood culture bottles?


What disease is caused by variola virus?

What is small pox?


I think my patient has TB, can you hold the blood culture bottles for 21 days?

What is - No we cannot hold the blood culture bottles for 21 days.


Fever of unknown origin, suspected fungemia, 3 negative routine blood cultures are indications for what type of culture?

What is an isolator blood culture tube?


This enrichment broth is used for recovery of organisms in the blood, peritoneal fluid and ascites fluid.

What are routine Blood Culture Bottles?


The MALDI-tof identifies microorganisms directly from the patient specimens.

What is no?


Microorganism most commonly responsible for UTIs

What is E.coli?


After assessing the ETA for adequacy, the lab tech rejected the specimen and considered it "spit". The doctor calls you and says he doesn't care if it looks like its contaminated with normal flora, and asks you if you can process the culture anyway.

The specimen should be canceled as per lab policy. Is there any situation where we can accept this?


How long do we keep blood cultures incubating for before reporting as negative?

What is 5 days ?


This media has bile salts to aid in recovery of organisms that die in the presence of oxygen.

What is Anaerobic Transport Media?


These cells can produce CO2 in the blood culture bottles which can lead to a false positive signal on the Bactec instrument.

What are white blood cells?


Test used to differentiate between Streptococcus sp. and Staphylococcus sp.

What is catalase test ?


I think my patient has Bordetella pertussis. Can you identify it from a routine blood culture?

No we cannot isolate Bordetella from routine blood culture bottles because it is a fastidious organism and requires additional supplements to grow and requires a longer incubation period.


Under what set of precautions would a patient with pertussis be under.

What is droplet precautions?