Fetal Monitoring
Nursing Process and Assessment
Mental Health

True or False: Fetal Monitoring is 100 percent reliable 

False: you should always palpate the mother's abdomen regularly with your hand. 


What are the top two nursing priorities post birth for mom. 

Risk for Bleeding 

Risk for infection- intrauterine 


When did Lobotomies and electro-convulsive therapy get used as treatment for the mentally ill? 

19th-20th century when asylums became overcrowded 


What medications would you see for a patient with Anxiety? 

Benzodiazepines: Short term, very addictive 

Lorazepam (Ativan) 

Alprazolam (Xanax) 

Diazepam (Valium) 


Where should you position yourself in a mentally unstable patients' room? 

Always be between the patient and the door- always be able to have an exit without turning your back to the patient 

What is the most important indicator of reassuring fetal status? 



How fast should the fundus decrease in size after birth?

Fundus should decrease in size 1-2 cm every 24hours following birth 


When did Thorazine and Lithium become available as psychiatric drugs? 



What is first line treatment for depression? 


EX. Fluoxetine (Prozac) 


What are the side effects of Haloperidol? (1st generation antipsychotic) 

SE: pesudoparkinsons- hand tremors 


Normal fetal heart rate? 

110-160 bpm 


What is the location of the fundus if the bladder is full? 

Uterus is displaced and deviated to the right if bladder is full. 


When did the release of patients confined to mental institutions into the communities happen and when did it become a failure? 

1965: released 

1990's deinstitutionalized was considered a failure 


What is a Atypical Antidepressant that can also be used for smoking cessation? 

Bupropion (Wellbutrin) 


What intervention is 1st line when dealing with a mental unstable patient that is becoming aggressive?  

Least restrictive first- de-escalation: verbally intervene, active listening, offer PRN medication before putting on restraints  


What does each of the three-tier FHR interpretation system categories stand for? 

Category 1: Normal 

Category 2: Intermediate prevent deterioration 

Category 3: Abnormal, immediate intervention 


ND: Risk for unstable blood glucose, what should a newborns blood glucose levels be less then 48 hours and over 48 hours old? 

less then 48 hours 45-60 

Older then 48 hours: over 60 


What are the three types of ACE's? 



Household dysfunction 


What medication would we give to a Bipolar patient experiencing episodes of mania and depression? and what would we want their levels to be? 

Mood Stabilizer: Lithium (therapeutic range is 0.8-1.4) 


what are the rules for restraints? Do you need an order? how long do you check restraints? Documentation time? 

RN can place restraints on without order but PCP must visit patient within an hour of restraints being placed and every 4 hours provider rechecks need for restraints. 

No more then 24 hours in restraints, D/C at earliest possible time 

Documentation every 15 minutes 


What does each letter of "VEAL CHOP" stand for? 

V: Variable Deceleration   C: Cord Compression

E: Early Deceleration       H: Head Compression

A: Acceleration               O: Okay 

L: Late Deceleration        P: Placental Insufficiency


What is the key message you should teach all postpartum women before discharge? *think 3 R's 

Recognize: S/Sx AFTER discharge of childbirth complications 

Respond: call 911 or PCP depending on situation 

Remember: to tell recent DATE of CHILDBIRTH 


1. What does Sullivans theory focus on? 

2. What must be met for Maslow's theory? 

Sullivans theory focuses on interpersonal relationships and the need for people to interact and the development of therapeutic milieu

Basic needs must be met in order to in order to grow and get better.  


What medication has many side effects and interactions and also has diet restriction? List foods and classification of medication that can't be mixed 

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOI's 

Can not be mixed with SSRI 

Foods: Aged cheese, processed meats, overripe bananas, beer, dried fruits 


What are the three types of Crisis and what are examples of each of them? 

Developmental: expected EX. marriage or retirement 

Situational: Unexpected EX. Loss of job, death of loved one, divorce 

Adventitious: Crisis of disaster EX. Terrorist attack, earthquake, school shootings, global pandemics