Big Puppers
Truth or Myth

True or False:  Kittens and puppies have different nutrition requirements than adult cats and dogs.

True. They should be fed a growth diet


True or false:  Dogs and cats have the same nutritional requirements of humans.

False.  Dogs, cats and humans all have different nutritional requirements.  They should be fed diets consistent with their needs.


Are dogs omnivores or carnivores?



Truth or Myth:  Corn and soy are bad for dogs.

Myth. Corn and soy can be part of a balanced diet for dogs, who are omnivores.  They have the genes to break down and utilize the nutritional components of corn and soy.


What is the name of the milk produced immediately after the birth of puppies and kittens?

Colostrum.  This contains immunoglobulins that are essential for protecting the neonates form infectious diseases.


True or False:  Grains are bad for dogs, and they shouldn't eat them.

False.  Dogs are omnivores and require grains to be healthy.  They are not wolves, and have many genes designed to digest and utilize the nutritional components of grains.  In fact, they NEED grains to be healthy.

Are cats omnivores or carnivores?



Truth or Myth:  Byproducts (lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, bone meal, etc), are good for dogs and cats.

Truth.  Byproducts contain lots of nutritional value.  Animals who hunt for food, gain a lot of their nutrition for eating the WHOLE ANIMAL--head, brain, eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines, etc.


True or False:  It's okay if puppies and kittens are a little overweight when they are young, they will grow out of it.

False.  They have increased energy requirements, but still should be fed to a lean body mass (BCS 4-5)


Why shouldn't dogs and cats be fed raw diets?

Raw meat in particular is contaminated with bacteria that causes food-borne illness.  Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. Coli, etc.  These can cause illness in pets, but also transfer to humans and cause illness in humans.  

Eating raw meat from a slaughterhouse is NOT THE SAME as animals that kill and eat their own food their entire lives.

What is AAFCO?

American Association of Feed Control Officials. 

AAFCO is a non-profit organization that sets standards for both animal feeds and pet foods in the United States.


Truth or Myth: The more you spend on a dog food, the better quality it is.

Myth.  Just because a diet is expensive, doesn't make it better.  In fact, many expensive diets are making extraordinary claims to be far superior to other brands, and those claims are not supported by science-based evidence.  


Why are puppies and kittens more likely to become hypoglycemic compared to an adult?

Their livers are not mature enough to maintain a steady level of glucose if they go too long between meals. 

They must bed fed regular frequent meals when they are young.


What does the acronym BEG stand for?

Boutique, Exotic, Grain Free

These diets are associated with dogs developing DCM.  We aren't sure of the exact link.  Taurine deficiency and the presence of legumes in the diet are part of the concerns.


True or false:  Owners should always feed the suggested amount on the back of the bag.

False.  This is a decent starting point, but every dog and cat's need are different.  All healthy adult animals should be fed to a lean body weight.


Truth or Myth:  Commercial, processed diets cause cancer in dogs and cats.

Myth. Many clients believe that the processing and ingredients in commercial diets cause cancer. There re been no science based evidence to support this. 

However, because cancer is an age-related disease, and dogs are living longer, they are more likely to get cancer.  

Dogs are living longer because we take better care of them.  We protect them from infectious disease, the outdoor elements, trauma, etc.  

Cancer is a complex disease with many factors to consider.


What two minerals are especially important for bone growth?

Calcium and phosphorous


What disease is associated with feeding grain-free diets to dogs?  You must give the entire name (not just the acronym) for points.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Should animals be free-fed or meal-fed?

Meal-fed.  In a domestica cat/dog situation, often in multi-animal households, it is best to meal feed.  This allows us to feed different diets and control the amount of food they are eating. We can also monitor how much/how well they are eating, and catch subtle changes quickly.
Animals generally don't self-regulate, and will overeat when free-fed.  


Truth or Myth:  You should feed each animal based on their specific life stage, not a diet that says "balanced for all life stages".

Truth.  Balanced for all life stages often means that there are excessive amounts of nutrients..enough for growing animals and lactating mothers.  Over-nutrition can cause just as many problems as under-nutrition.