What is the process for scheduling visitation?
All visits must be scheduled directly through the assigned CL for that courtyard within 72+ business hours advance. Email confirmation should be provided to all visitors. If supervision is needed for a visit, a time for the visit should be collaboratively decided upon with the youth's assigned courtyard's PM to ensure staff is available at that time to provide supervision.
What is the expectation for signing out spaces to see youth for sessions?
Write your name in the box/boxes for the space and time(s) that you will be in session in that space. If you will no longer be utilizing the space after signing it out, cross your name off of it so someone else is able to utilize the space. This is a safety measure to assist with always knowing our Clinicians locations when they are with youth, in addition to calling out the transition on the walkie. This is to ensure all Clinicians' safety.
What is the expected upload time for new admission consents received upon admission?
24 Hours
When should discharge RSAs and discharge summaries be finalized/e-signed?
Once the signed copies have been uploaded into the entries including all required signatures. This must be completed within 24 hours after the youth has discharged.
How many locations does Youth Villages have in the US?
*Closest guess gets the points* :)
What is the process for scheduling passes?
All passes must be requested 7-10 business days in advance. The plans for the requested pass must be sent via email including the CL, assigned Counselor, Lead Counselor, Clinical Manager, Clinical AD, and LPE. The Clinical Manager and LPE must approve the requested pass before documentation is started. The CL will need to complete the documentation for the pass and add the pass to the visitation/pass grid within 24 hours of the pass being approved. The CL will cc the Lead Counselor in the email with the DCS Pass Approval Form, provide the TLOA to the Lead Counselor where the Lead Counselor will get the assigned Counselor's signature, and add the pass to the correct week on the visitation/pass grid.
A therapeutic assignment must be provided to the youth and family who are going on a therapeutic day pass. All documentation must be completed for the youth to go on the pass (e.g., if we do not receive a DCS Pass Approval form back from the youth's FSW, they cannot go on the pass).
What are walkie expectations?
All Clinicians should have a charged walkie on them at all times, turned up to where they can hear the walkie.
All transitions must be called out prior to transitioning with a youth. If MOD does not "copy" after the first time the transition is called out, wait a minute, and recall out the transition. Transitions cannot occur if they are not copied. This is to ensure your safety.
What is the expected review time for external agency documents for a new admit assigned to you?
Within 72 hours of their admission.
*A lot of times this can be began prior to them admitting as Placement often includes a lot of their documents in their admission notification emails*
When should a youth be added to the Clinically Ready List? When should a youth be added to the Confirmed Placement List?
Clinically Ready List - Once the youth's clinical appropriateness for step-down/discharge has been discussed with your LPE and Clinical Leadership and it has been approved for them to be added to the list. A discharge CFTM will need to also be requested at that time with the Clinical Manager.
Confirmed Placement List - Once the youth is clinically appropriate to step-down/discharge and we know where they are going whether that be home, or they have been accepted into another program.
How many states have Youth Villages services (including partnering states)?
*Closest guess gets the points! * :)
1. Alabama (MST - Multisystemic Therapy through intensive in-home)
2. Arizona (LifeSet)
3. Arkansas (Intercept, LifeSet)
4. Florida (Intercept)
5. Georgia (Intercept, Residential, LifeSet)
6. Indiana (Intercept)
7. Kentucky (Intercept, LifeSet)
8. Louisiana (Intercept, LifeSet)
9. Maine (Intercept)
10. Massachusetts (Intercept, LifeSet)
11. Mississippi (Intercept, LifeSet)
12. New Hampshire (Intercept, LifeSet)
13. North Carolina (Intercept, LifeSet, MST)
14. Ohio (Intercept)
15. Oklahoma (Intercept, LifeSet)
16. Oregon (Intercept, LifeSet, Specialized Crisis Services)
17. Rhode Island (Intercept)
18. South Carolina (Intercept, LifeSet)
19. Tennessee (Intercept, LifeSet, Specialized Crisis Services, Foster Care, Adoption, Residential)
Partnering States:
Washington, Nevada, Missouri, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey
What is the process for requesting hotel accommodations?
All hotel requests must be made 10-14 business days in advance to the requested date. The assigned Counselor will notify the Lead Counselor of the requested hotel accommodations with the requested night, date of the in-person family therapy session, name of the youth whose family is coming, and the name of the adult needing the hotel accommodations as shown on their driver's license. The Lead Counselor requests the hotel accommodations and provides the confirmation number to the assigned Counselor once received.
When a family requests hotel accommodations, an in-person family therapy session must be scheduled in order for the family to be eligible for the accommodations.
Where are the locations Clinicians are only able to see youth utilizing a buddy system?
Courtyard - During education hours; both youths must be assigned to the same courtyard.
Sensory Rooms - A clinician with a youth in the left sensory room and a clinician with a youth in the right sensory room; sessions must begin and end at the exact same time and transitions must be completed together. A youth and clinician cannot be in a sensory room waiting for their buddy to transition to their sensory room for session. If a youth becomes dysregulated in session in the sensory room and has to be transitioned back, the session in the other sensory room must also conclude and transition back with them. OT cannot be considered sensory room buddies.
Big Field - Two clinicians and two youths from the same assigned courtyard can have session on the big field during education hours utilizing the buddy system. Both clinicians must be able to have eyes on the other and their youth. If a group comes out to the Big Field that is not the assigned courtyard for the youths in session, the session must conclude until another location is identified to finish the session. Groups cannot be mixed.
What are the 24 hr. cycle time requirements for a new admit as shown on the PI grid? (9 Answers)
1. Consents
3. RSA
4. Collaterals
5. Youth's Welcome Email with Contact Sheet Attached
6. Initial Tx Plan
8. Admission Note
9. Initial Special Precautions Order
What information is needed for a discharge/transfer notice?
1. Name/Address of where youth will be going
2. Aftercare service provider
3. Medication management provider
4. Pharmacy information
5. Education provider
6. Transportation information
7. Aftercare appointment set up
*If YV transfer: 8. the date of transition session
How many youth and families were helped through Youth Villages this past year?
*Closest guess gets the points! :)
Over 43,000!
How many nights can we provide hotel accommodations for?
One night only and an in-person family session must be held.
What locations cannot be utilized after 4pm, on weekends, or holidays?
- Counseling Rooms
- Activity Hallway (Any room within the hallway that the sensory rooms are located on)
- North Conference Room
- Neuro Lab
- Classrooms
What are the documents due for new admits at the 14-day, 21-day, and 30-day mark?
14 days - Timeline and CATS (Turn in Psychosocial to Lead Counselor or Clinical Manager at Day 14 so they are able to provide QA Feedback prior to due date)
21 days - Psychosocial Assessment and Initial Discharge Plan
30 days - C-SSRS Lifetime and Situational Analysis for Referral Behaviors (If a youth has a history of PSB within the past 2 years, they will need a SA for it, even if it is not one of the primary referral behaviors)
When is discharge paperwork due to Clinical Leadership for QA?
3 business days prior to the youth's discharge. Clinical leadership will review the youth's discharge paperwork, request changes if needed, and sign the paperwork then. The Clinical Manager must sign all discharge paperwork.
When was Youth Villages founded?
What are two reasons why a youth would not be eligible for a therapeutic pass?
If the youth is red flagged or JJ/Delinquent.
Where can red flagged youth be seen for sessions?
During education hours: Seating areas outside of CY4 and CY5 or the snake area outside of CR 14 and 16
After education hours: On the courtyard with the group present only, this includes atriums and bedrooms. This does not include outside on the small court.
For new admits, what is the required timeline for their first family therapy session?
Within the first 7 days of admission. If the family/FSW is unable to schedule within the first 7 days of admission, it will need to be documented as a no-show to reflect that a family session was attempted within their first 7 days of enrollment. Still attempt to schedule another family session for as soon as possible.
T/F: A discharge family session is required.
All youth discharging should have a discharge family session on the day of their discharge. If their family is picking them up, the family session should be held in person. If transportation is picking the youth up for discharge earlier than business hours, the family session should be held virtually the business day prior.
What year did Youth Villages receive the top-rated non-profit award?
*Closest guess gets the points! :)