Olympic Sports

This actor, famous for playing Wolverine, recently teamed up with Ryan Reynolds in the highly anticipated Deadpool 3.

Who is Hugh Jackman


This famous rapper from Compton recently dissed Drake with his hit single "Not Like Us"

Who is Kendrick Lamar


The names of the three ships Christopher Columbus sailed on in his first voyage?

What are The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria


Congress is attempting to ban this popular video streaming company

What is TikTok


In this sport, athletes use a paddle to hit a small ball over a net on a table, and the game is known for its fast-paced rallies and spin techniques.

What is table tennis?


Last year's Best Picture winner in which the life of the Father of all atomic bombs was portrayed

What is Oppenheimer 


This famous producer who is the main music producer for the Despicable Me Franchise has also produced other songs like Blurred Lines, Hollaback Girl, Milkshake and Happy

Who is Pharrell Williams


In what American city was JFK assassinated in?

What is Dallas


Samsung's headquarters are located in this Asian country

What is South Korea


In this sport, athletes use a combination of running, swimming, and cycling to compete in a multi-discipline race.

What is a triathlon


This famous actress is known for her notable role as Harley Quinn showed her versatility in her role as Barbie

Who is Margot Robbie


This canadian singer who recently sang at the opening ceremony for the Olympics has hits like "My Heart Will Go On" featured in the Titanic movie

Who is Celine Dion


The Zimmerman Telegram was an invitation to this country to invade the United States during WW1 

What is Mexico


This Finnish company is known for its telecommunications and networking equipment, including its iconic indestructible mobile phones in the past?

What is Nokia?


This team sport, played in a pool with seven players per team, involves passing a ball and scoring goals while treading water

What is Water Polo


This cannibalistic psychiatrist movie villan, famously advised, "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti" in "The Silence of the Lambs."

Who is Hannibal Lecter?


This genre of music and dance, originating from the Dominican Republic, combines elements of African rhythms, Spanish guitar, and romantic lyrics.

What is bachata?


This name of the Axis power that invaded Ethiopia before the start of the war in 1935

What is Italy


The company behind Gerber Baby Food, Nesquik Chocolate Powder, KitKats, and Haagen Daz Ice Cream

What is Nestle 


This precision sport involves throwing a heavy, polished stone down a sheet of ice towards a target, with players using brooms to influence the stone's path.

What is curling

Batman is one of the most iconic heroes in cinema. Not counting the Lego Batman Movie Name the three Batman actors who have appeared in multiple films 

Who are Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, and Ben Affleck 


This famous Cuban singer also known as Mr. Worldwide loves saying "Dale", which means keep going 

Who is Pitbull


The movie 300 shows the war between the Ancient Greeks and Persians, what were the two Ancient Greek city-states that were the main powers in this war and then later fought a war between themselves

What are Athens and Sparta


This company that's in the DOW 30 owns a whole bunch of brands including but not limited to Pampers, Crest Toothpaste, Tide Detergent, Gillette Razors, Vicks Cold Medicine, and Febreze Air Sprays

What is Proctor and Gamble 


This term encompasses a range of activities involving horseback riding, including dressage, show jumping, and eventing.

What is equestrian?